Friday, February 27, 2015

The Deathbringer

Last day of the week.  And, thankfully, the Last Page Devoted to the Bad Guys.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Vol. 2 #0 Page 5.

Jack DuPre.  The Deathbringer.  CEO of the Ortex Corporation.  Ruler of Earth.  The Vertionce was pretty rough, and Dr. Dendull is terrifying, but they're nothing compared to the Deathbringer.  There's a reason why Dr. Dendull hides in the shadows, slowly and carefully building his power and consuming all in his path, and that reason is the Deathbringer.  Even now, even after Dendull has consumed the 6th Dimension, the Deathbringer could Incinerate him to Nothingness with a Wave of His Hand.  The Clown knows this.  Death Moth knows this.  Secret Soldier doesn't yet.  Even an Armageddon Titan would shatter before his might.  As mentioned in today's text, the Deathbringer is the son of Cthug, God of Hell.  We saw a lot of Jack DuPre in the early "Xerox Comics", but then I decided to keep him deep in the background for awhile.  He's recently sort of reemerged, most notably in "Pulp Horrorshow" Vol. 3.  I only just now redesigned his Demonic Form, most notably adding the Armor.  Since this is a 4th World Comic, I gave him some Darkseid elements, but made the armor a little more complex and added some reds and oranges to kind of break it up a little.  Other than that, the Ortex Diamond Logo represents Cthug's Third Eye.  It's sorta like, if you bear the Ortex Symbol, then Cthug's Eye is Upon You.

Anyway, let's see what Boolah has to say about today's page of SDF:

SDF vol. 2 #0 Page 5.

Splash Page #2! So helpful at a 24 comic run!

I always like the candid shots of the team as if they were photos. This introduces the full team going ahead on to Volume 2 of the series. I want to keep a close-knit family type bond with the cast here. In this draft I originally wanted just the six. On into the future the roster may or may not expand. Joseph and I had a discussion on Best Number Of Induviduals On A Roster once and my answer was 9 people. That's a great mix of personalities and talents. That's also a deep NBA playoff team.

I pondered a change in name for the team besides Mango Habanero but in the end it fit well. I tried to come up with something that sounded good with "Mixtape" but nothing clicked for me. Maybe I can write for Marvel later and make a mutant book called miXtape. We'll see.

Again, this page also puts names to faces, ala a first issue or what have you.


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