Monday, March 2, 2015

Worldship & Fighting Action

And so it's Monday, and we're knee deep in snow today.  Wonder if the Mill will be running today?  Eh, who cares?  Let's make Comix.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club vol. 2 #0 Page 6.

This is basically a piece of abstract art this stage.  I mean, seriously.  What are we even looking at?  It's just shapes and colors.  Anyway, we've seen the Planet Neptune before.  Back in "Truth or Consequences 100" a group of our Geek Heroes (including several of our Future Fudgeheads) were yanked over to Neptune where the local populace of Fish Creatures had been turned into copies of the demon Toldos by a Black Magic Disease created by Toldos & Rakor.  The virus killed off the original planet's population.  Apparently, Lord OMNICHRONUS has taken an interest in the Planet, because his Worldship has been parked in close proximity ever since.  In HFSAC #20, there is a brief scene where you see OMNICHRONUS on the Planet's surface, where he is up to... something.

As for the Worldship.  I know it's immense.  I'm not sure how big it actually is, or what the layout is, or what's the deal with that Gold Section with all of the energy spewing out of it.  I do not know.  OMNICHRONUS is much bigger than I am, and I really can't fathom his 9th Dimensional Technology.  I do know that the Square Section with the Eye is OMNICHRONUS's Personal Home Area.  So that's something.

Moving on, let's see what Boolah's up to with SDF:

SDF v.2 #0 Page 6.

This is the obligatory plot and story enhancement page. While I'm a fan of plot and such, I won't get too Bendis-y on most things. That being said, I don't want to write a comic that throws various plot points aka Chris Claremont 80s style in there either. I hope for a happy medium between the two. Secret Soldier proves to be the speaking point of the series for the foreseeable future.

What's sad is that I knew the advancement of the character in the direction I wanted to go with him. I wrote and drew this book in November, wrote an epilogue of SDF in January and a rough draft of the new SDF volume in early February and have found to repeat myself in his mantra. So now I have re-writes to do on the first issue of the new series. (Sorry Joseph, I'll get you some pages soon.)

Panel five proves the Chupacabra to be grinning like an idiot as well. GOOOAAATTT!

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