Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Urban Apocalypse and Standing Up

Let's see what we've got today.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club vol. 2  Issue 0 Page 2.

Let's break this one down Panel by Panel, eh?

Panel One:  If you've been reading TORC Press comix for any length of time now, you know they have no real bearing on Reality, Logic, or Physics.  Still, there's always a core of reality to any creation, if nothing else, there's a viewpoint.  If you know me, you know I'm a fairly Liberal fella, and I'm not a fan of big, nasty Corporations.  To me, Ortex Earth is an extreme example of what the world would look like if Corporations ruled unchecked.  Corporations consume everything around them, with profit being their only concern.  Destroy the environment?  Sure, if it'll make us a few bucks.  We'll just install Oxygen Machines or whatever.  If you look at the Glass Skyscrapers, they're covered in ash and soot so that you can't even see the clear glass anymore.  Everything looks like smoker's teeth.

Panel Two:  The funny thing is, on paper, Ortex Earth might be spun in such a way that it sounds pretty good.  Everyone's got a job.  Everyone's got a home.  No one pays taxes (because a Citizenship Fee is just a cost of living, not a tax, right?).  Sounds pretty good.  But of course, it's really just a prison.  No choice, no freedom, just work or die.  Sound farfetched?  Pft.  This was basically America until post WWII, and it's pretty much every Third World Country today (and the Third World is where Corporate America sends all the jobs anymore, cause you can pay slave wages).  My version is just a little more extreme.

Panel Three:  Of the many, many horrors of Nazi Germany, the one that always sticks in my head and drives me crazy, the one that really represents the true nightmare of man's inhumanity to man, was that the average Nazi people were okay with the Gestapo dragging off the Jews to face the Concentration Camps.  Sure, you could argue that they didn't know or whatever.  And I'm sure they didn't at first.  But after awhile, everyone knew.  And everyone knew that every time some poor fella with a yellow star on his shirt got dragged off, he was being dragged to his doom.  So, that's the Evil we see here.  The Evil of Cowardice.

Panels Four through Six:  Alright, enough serious stuff.  Let's get into the Monster Movie TORC Press Biz.  Ortex turning people into Monsters has been a key aspect of TORC Press since literally the first comic I ever produced.  It's the Clown's Origin after all.

Well, that's enough of my Left Wing Soap Boxing, I now turn the Commentary Track over to Scott "Boolah" Bayler.


SDF vol. 2 #0 Page 2.

While the last page was a splash panel, this page represents two of the main characters going forward. I also had to make sure they named each other off when they were speaking to each other due to the fact that this may be the first issue of SDF anyone ever picks up with it being a Zero Issue (and will probably do it again in Volume 2 #1....ugh. Hate it.)

I always wanted to incorporate the relationship between OJ and Death Moth as cousin-like. Death Moth and Doom Eagle are brothers who don't quite see eye-to-eye with each other at all times. These two have a great mutual respect for each other. Also at one time Joseph considered these two some of his major characters so I don't want them sounding like a bunch of fops.

That being said, Death Moth's mouth thing looks like $@%* out of my artistic hand.

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