Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Production Updates while Hungry

Whatta we got today? Production Updates? Yeah, okay. A lot of this is up at our website is

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club: Issues 1-11 are currently available in the online store. The first six issues are collected in a neat little Trade Paperback, which is currently not available in the online store because I keep forgetting to go to the Post Office to find out how much shipping is gonna cost. Also, I've only got a few copies left, and I've got a show this weekend. HFSAC 12 is currently at the Printers. HFSAC 13 is Scripted and Pencilled, and I've just started Inks. HFSAC 14 is Scripted. I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to do in HFSAC 15.

Cosmic Love: Issue 1 is currently available in the online store. Issue 2 will be going to the Printers tonight after I get off of work. CL 3 is scripted. I'd like to start Pencils this week. I've pretty much got the flow of CL 4 figured out.

Monster King: Issue 1 is currently available in the online store. Issue 2 is at the Printers. MK 3 is currently available for viewing at the Monster King section of the website. MK 3 is scripted, and most of the Pencils are done. About half of the Inks are completed. I'm currently trying to decide what direction I want to take MK4 in. I have two, perfectly good, competing ideas. Oh, idea overload.

Other than that, I've got a couple of other things scripted. I've got a book completed that I haven't released online yet (if you were at SPACE you saw that one), and I've got another issue of that one completed. I'm currently toying with some ideas for some stuff.

Cereal time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

MONSTER KING with a Side of Phineas and Ferb

I've actually got two great quotes this week:

"Release the FLESHLESS HORROR!!!"


"Wood U Lick 2 Wath Sum TeeeeeVeeee?"

I'm out of my gourd. Anyway, it's Saturday, so it's new MONSTER KING time! Huzzah! This week, we've got pages 4 and 5 of Issue 3 available for viewing. Things are going to get weird. Well, weirder.

Other than that, I'm off to Evansville for the Comic Quest Creator's Alliance Meeting, and I need to get some reductions done on some upcoming stuff. I would say I've been in an odd mood lately. But I'm always in an odd mood. Whatever.

I'm watching the Disney Channel in my PJs. There's a joke here somewhere.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Back from SPACE

Well, I'm back from SPACE. It was a nice show, but it was also kind of an odd show as well. Foot traffic was light, and much like STAPLE, the people seemed almost...resistant to the very idea of purchasing comics from...anybody. BUT, unlike STAPLE, I did surprisingly well, mainly because I know a pretty good cross section of the other exhibitors at this show, and we all kinda bought stuff off each other. So I've got no complaints. But, after this show, as well as the last four or five shows I've been to, I've been thinking about some stuff. I'll yammer about that later, though.

Anyway, a big old thanks go out to everyone that did come out and support TORC Press at SPACE! Like I said, we had a real nice, enjoyable show, and we truly appreciate the handful of people that took a chance on us.

Our next show is the Gem City Comicon in Dayton, OH on Sunday, April 3, 2011. Information can be found at


Thursday, March 17, 2011


"Now Dump them in the ACID!"

Woo Doggies. We're off to SPACE. It's a lovely show, one of my favorites. It's also the same weekend as C2E2 in Chicago, which sucks. I don't think it'll really screw things up for those of us brave souls in Ohio. Maybe. Anyway, I'll be there doing my thing, blabbing about comics to anyone foolish enough to stop. I've actually got sketches ready for this show too. Look at me being prepared for a change. Anyway, details on SPACE can be found at

Also, we've got a new MONSTER KING up over at the main site at This week we've got Pages 2 and 3 of Issue 3 up and running. Not only do we get more fun with a perilous Death Trap, but we also get the introduction of a new character, the rousing Riddle Bug. This Purple Clad Insectile Avenger buzzes onto the scene to save our Heroes from Imminent (I actually spelled that right?) Doom.

Anyway, enjoy the strip, and if you're reading this, and you're gonna be at SPACE, swing by my Table and say Hi. Dig?

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Cosmic Love" Now Available

Woo. I'm tired. This time change nonsense can really throw a guy off.

Anyway, we've got ourselves a new book available in the online store at It's called "Cosmic Love" #1. You can find it in the store by scrolling down just past the entries for "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club". It's pretty much the same format as HFSAC, namely, it's a 24 Page, Mature Readers book in Black/White/Grey with a Color Cover for $2.50 plus $1.50 S&H. You can pick it up in the online store, or send a check or money order for the proper amount to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

Of course, I'm kinda jumpin' the gun (as usual), after all, who's gonna buy a book sight unseen, right? (Hell, knowing me, who's gonna buy the book period.) Well, there's a little preview page of the book up at It's got the cover, some hype, and a couple of pages from the book.

The problem with "Cosmic Love" is that it's kinda hard to describe. It's not a Love or Romance comic, despite the title. It's definitely Cosmic, but we only spend a little time in Space during the first issue. Uhhh. Gimme a second.

Our heroes, Cactus Joe the Clown and Pengy Penguin have been having these Odd, Cosmic Visions. The first occurred in "Monster King" #1 (now available from TORC Press) and the second was in "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" #10. Ever curious, our heroes set out to find out the source of these visions. Instead of rounding up the Fudgeheads for this mission, CJ&PP gather together a different group called the Butterfly Gang, which consists of Mike the Butcher (from Monster King #2, still available for viewing online till the end of the week), Johny Eraser- a musclebound, redneck, Bunnyman and Space Pilot, and Kikki Fortune- a female assassin. The first stop in our heroes' journey is X City on the Planet Saturn, where they go to meet up with Professor Ki-Mo, who has a rare artifact that may just give them some answers.

In addition, this issue sees the return of Cactus Joe's arch-nemesis, the Demon Zarathon (last seen mutilating Cactus Joe in "SDF: End of an Era"), and the introduction of a major new group called the Crimson Empire. There's also another Cosmic Vision.

"Cosmic Love" is me finally doing my Kirby book. It's my stab at something similar to Kirby's wild cosmic stuff that I love like "Thor" or "New Gods" or "The Eternals". But, it's not pure "Kirby as Genre" like "Godland" is. I decided to mix a David Lynchian "Surreal Noir" aspect into the mix as well. So, it's an odd book. Very odd. But it is also, in terms of art, one of the prettiest books I've ever released as well. It's worth checking out. Also, I've already completed Issue 2, and it rules, so there's that.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New MONSTER KING and Upcoming Thingies

"How do we end up in these situations, Pengy?"

Right-o. It's Saturday, so it's time for a new MONSTER KING! This week, we've got the start of a NEW ISSUE, which can be viewed at After the foresty-ramblyness (that's really a word? What?) of the last two issues, this time around we're heading off in a different direction, with a little more of a... I don't really know how to describe it really. Imagine the Adam West "Batman" TV series on Acid merged with a campy 70s Horror film all being drawn and colored by Dr. Seuss. Yeah. Anyway, enjoy the brightly colored sneak peak of the new issue. We'll have Pages 2 and 3 up next week.

Meanwhile, this is the LAST WEEK to view Issue 2 in its entirety. It's over at The Print Version is already in the Pipeline, and should be available in...April (?).

Speaking of the Pipeline, we finally (FINALLY! Jeez!) got Issue 12 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" over to the Printers. It should be available in... late April or early May. It's a Snow Adventure, which is strange considering how much I hate snow right now.

Work is slowly (SLOWLY...Jeez, I'm moving in slow motion lately) beginning work on HFSAC 13. Thanks to being trapped in an airport for too long, I've got the scripts done for that, Mystery Book 1 Issue 3, an old book that we're rebuilding, another old book that we're re-envisioning, and something that could best be described as horribly, horribly wrong. Horribly wrong. Some of those Projects are very long term and may not come out this year. Others are closer to the front burner. Regardless, right now we need that magical combination of Time and Energy if we wanna tackle anything.

Also, also, on Monday we'll be adding some new comics to our Library. So stay tuned for that.

Oh, and before I forget, I'm apparently a week away from SPACE in Columbus, OH. Jeez. Time flies. Anyway, details on that are up at I gotta get some Sketches drawn up for that. Mystery Book 2 Issue 1 will debut at that show as well.

Sometimes I feel like the Biggest Idiot who Ever Lived. Then I remember that at least I'm not a Republican. Then I don't feel so bad. (TORC Press and Joseph Morris apologize to any Republicans in the audience. Although you should all feel bad for that crap in Wisconsin. Seriously.)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Notes from a Tired Old Man

Oof. Long week.

First off, this is the last blog I'll be posting on Myspace. We had a good run, but like most people, I'm sick to death of this ugly, stupid, unwieldy behemoth. When you try to get to your blog, and you're inundated with ads for some Digital Downloads you're not interested in, it's time to go. For the five people that read this blog, I'd like to once again stress that this blog is carbon copy posted over at, and that updates to the blog are listed at the main site at

Once again, I'd like to thank those that did take a chance on TORC Press at STAPLE. I'll be honest, the show did not go well this year. And not just for me. It seemed like a lot of people were having trouble generating interest from a crowd that had been seemingly zombified. After the enthusiasm of previous years, the crowd's palpable apathy was disheartening to say the least. Still, we moved some books, so I can't complain too much. I'd also like to thank the fine folks that put on STAPLE. Regardless of the people milling through it, it's a great show at a great venue, and it's really well organized. I'm currently trying to decide if I'm gonna go again next year.

My next convention is (woo-hoo!) SPACE over in Columbus, OH. That is on March 19 and 20 and details are up at

My plane out of St. Louis got cancelled on Monday, so I was trapped in the Houston Airport for 8 hours. That was fun.

We'll be starting a brand new issue of MONSTER KING tomorrow. It's quite a bit different from the previous two issues, so be sure to tune in tomorrow for that. Also, we'll be leaving Issue 2 up in its entirety for one more week. Read it while the reading is good.

While we're on the subject of MONSTER KING, please, if you dig the strip, let me know. There's two ways, either drop me a line via e-mail at or pick up a copy of the individual comic in our online store at Apathy is the Grim Reaper of Creativity.

I did a lot of soul searching after the STAPLE debacle. I've decided to stick to my aggressive, hell for leather, let's publish a ton of books, attend a ton of Cons, and try to actually get a little bit of a readership plan for the year. If it doesn't pan out, then I'm not sure what 2012 will hold.

Welp, gotta get to work at the Sawmill.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back from STAPLE

This was gonna be a longer little bloggy deal, but I feel like crap this morning, so we'll keep it short.

Thanks to everyone that came out and supported TORC Press at STAPLE this year. I appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed the books.

Think I'll go into a coma now.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Here we go.

I'm off to STAPLE in Austin, TX. Info can be found at I have my doubts anyone reading this blog will be at the show, but, hey, if you're reading this, and you'll be at the show, stop by and say hi. That'd be cool. I'll be working the show on my own this year, as Bro is now touring Europe, rocking out in the land of pasty white people. Huzzah!

Other than that, there's no Monster King this week. I advise taking this time to read Issue 2 in its entirety. That'd be swell. Next week we'll put up Page 1 of Issue 3. It's a neat issue.

See ya.