Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Notes as Life Returns to Normal

Whada we got today...

I am currently working on new videos for the Dr. Orphyus Project's soon-to-be-released album, "Death Jazz". Yesterday, I completed not only the animation work for one of the videos, but we also filmed some very brief live action segments. It was a lot of fun, basically Bro poured fake blood on my head and we filmed it dripping down past my eyes. It kinda reminded me that I wouldn't mind to actually film something sometime in the future, and we actually kicked around the idea of doing a mini-horror film sometime in the future. In the meantime, I'll be diligently working away on another animated video this week. It'll be a mini-Epic that should be really cool.

Once my DOP work is done, it'll be time to put my nose to the Grindstone and bring my "Kirby Year" to its conclusion. 4 Months to Complete 9 Books. Woo.

Sometimes, you go to the Comic Shop, and you score some pretty damn awesome books. On Saturday, I picked up the final issue of "Hellboy: The Fury" and the final issue (?) of Season One of "Batman Inc", and all I can say is Frickin' Awesome. Despite the fact that the ending of Hellboy was spoiled online WEEKS ago (curse you Internets), the book was still just amazing. It was just beautiful, brilliant comics work. This particular issue was just everything comics should be, all the time. I can't gush enough. As for "Batman Inc.".... I really feel that this series is a legitimate EVOLUTIONARY LEAP for Comic Books. That's how good this comic is. It just makes everything else seem outdated and stale by comparison. Seriously, Everyone should be reading every issue of this book. Twice. While taking notes. So, yeah, good week of comics.

The Spider Bites are slowly receding. I also only mutter "Stupid Bitch" every hour or so, instead of every minute or two. So, yeah, things are returning to the Status Quo.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Heartache? Screw that! MONSTER KING!

"Nah. Just Kidding!"

Ahhh. There's nothing like new MONSTER KING to take a guy's mind off his troubles. We've got two new pages up starting at What're they about? Well, in the real world, betrayal is as easy as a phone call. In the TORCverse, though, betrayal is apparently a Herculean task. Luther Dirge, the Lawyer from Hell, has been desperately trying to psychically seduce the Clown's allies, attempting to buy their souls in exchange for their heart's desire. Of course, it ain't been going well for the Lawyer Demon. Having already failed three times, he's only got two possible targets left, Broken Tea Cup and Pengy Penguin. Will he succeed? Tune in to find out.

Also, don't forget, Issue 2 of "The Clown & Tea Cup Show #2" is available. It's a wild trip, baby.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with comix, but I'd just like to say this:

I'd rather be a ridiculous fool than a heartless person with no guts. Just saying.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fool, am I

So, I got stabbed in the back this evening.

Betrayal never stops hurting, really. But at the same time, I'm almost disturbingly used to it by now. Ever since that first great betrayal, all the others seem minor by comparison. Still, I put myself out there pretty hard, and got very little in return, except the surprisingly decorative knife jutting out of my back.

What's sad is that I saw it coming. The closer I got to her, the more I felt her retreating from me. I had hoped that she woulda had enough class to stab me face to face, but I suppose she didn't wanna have to wash the bloodstains out of the carpet. Fair enough. That's why God invented cellphones after all.

As for you, you cold little girl with no heart, let me just say I appreciate the advice. I do need to learn to love myself. I need to stop hating myself. Maybe, if you were as smart as you think you are, you could have figured out that you coulda taught me that. But it's too late for that now.

Of course, it's not like you're reading this. I figure you're doing like I'm doing, purging my existence from your life, like I was little more than an odd dream. I'm cool with that. All your e-mails are deleted and your phone number's gone, and I killed my dating profile the day you said you wanted to be my girlfriend, so if you wanna get back on the online dating horse and find some asshole that'll love himself and treat you like shit, be my guest.

BUT, if you are reading this, let me give you some advice. You spend so much time protecting yourself, always looking to escape, to distance yourself, to run. A True Hero doesn't run. A True Hero Protects Others and puts them First. A True Hero is willing to Sacrifice to Help Others, even if it means dropping his or her armor, and taking a bullet.

I'll never become the person I need to be if I keep hating myself. You'll never learn to be the person you need to become if you're too afraid to let anyone in. You've never really cared about anyone, have you? I'm sorry for that.

As for anyone else who happens to be reading this little public sob story, I'd like to apologize. But if I'm gonna get any sleep tonight, I had to get this nonsense outa my head.

As for me, I'm gonna be quiet for a little while. But don't worry, I'll be back in a flash.

After all, I got too much work to do.

The Clown Tea Cup Show #2 Now Available

Joseph drowsy. Joseph try to do hype for TCTC 2. Joseph not sure he gonna do a good job.

Anyway, shortly before Chicago, we got in copies of our newest book, "The Clown & Tea Cup Show" #2. I left a couple at home, which is good, cause we sold out of copies at the show. That alone is a pretty good recommendation, I think.

Anyway, anyway, TCTC2 was the 24 Hour Comic I did late last year. I wrote and drew the whole shebang in about 22 Hours (I took a 2 Hour nap. I know, I suck). It's actually pretty rock on, all things considered.

The book is about our heroes, Cactus Joe the Clown, Pengy Penguin, and Broken Tea Cup forming their own Detective Agency. No sooner than they get their first job, namely tailing an adulterous husband, than they are promptly sucked into a world of Ditko-esque Madness! It's a hoot, I tell you what.

Anyway, anyway, anyway, "The Clown & Tea Cup Show #2" is a 24 Page BWG Comic with a Color Cover for $2.50 plus $1.50 S&H. You can view a preview of the book at Or, take a leap of faith and score the book at our store at Don't like the Online Stuff? Send a Check or Money Order to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

Think I'm gonna take a nap.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Production Updates Just Because

Oh, what an odd life. Let's do some Production Updates.

"The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club": Issues 1-13 are available in the online store at Issue 14 was delivered to the printers on Sunday. Should be available in late September or early October. I've got Issue 15 Scripted, and I've got a little bit of a start on Pencils and Inks.

"Cosmic Love": Issues 1-2 are available in the store. Issue 3 is at the Printers. That one should be available in mid-September. I'll start on Issue 4 after I'm done with HFSAC 15.

"Monster King": Issues 1-3 are available in the store. Issue 4 is currently running online at I just finished the pencils on Issue 4. I intend to have the entire issue done by the end of the week. After that, I'll start work on Issue 5.

Woof. As far as the "Impossible 24 Comix in a Single Year Challenge" Goes, We've officially Published 11 Comix this year. We've actually got "The Clown & Tea Cup Show" #2 back from the Printers. I need to get that one online. So that's 12. Add to that the two books at the Printers, and MK4, then the Count comes to 15. With a little over four months to go, that leaves me with NINE books to publish.

I may be screwed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Slamma Jamma, New MONSTER KING

"I Didn't Even Get to do my Sales Pitch!"

It's Friday night, but let's pretend it's Saturday morning, cause we've gots ourselves a new MONSTER KING! Huzzah! This week we've got Pages 13-14, which can be viewed starting at In this particular episode, Luther Dirge continues his psychic assault on the Butterfly Mob. Will the Lawyer from Hell succeed in his plan to turn Cactus Joe's friends (and family for that matter) against him? If this was a Marvel comic, they'd betray him in a heartbeat. Have I gone all Marvel, where Heroes are no longer heroic, but are a bunch of cowardly, backstabbing, loser, cowards? Have I?

Nah, probably not.

My goal for next week is to wrap up the work on this issue of Monster King. That may be tricky, considering Brotha Buzz has almost wrapped up the work on the next Dr. Orphyus Project album, "Death Jazz". So, I'll be working on the artwork for that next week as well. Tricky, tricky.

Oh yeah, our next show is the Nashville Comic and Horror Festival on October 1 &2. So, I've got a month to catch up on things and maybe rest up a little.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back from Chicago

We are back from Chicago. I'm tired and wore out and stretched thin, but otherwise feeling good. All of us here at TORC Press would like to thank everyone that came out and supported us at the 2011 Wizard Chicago Comicon. Regardless of what you picked up, if you gave us a shot, we really appreciate it.

I would ramble more about the show, but it is 5 in the A.M., so nothing I'm gonna say is gonna sound coherent anyway.

Nope, nothing to do but throw on some clothes and head to the sawmill. Later.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chicago and New MONSTER KING

"Women? Bunny Women?"

We're about a day away from embarking for Chicago and the big Wizard World show. We'll be there all four days, hawking our wares and trying to make a buck in a doomed economy. In the meantime, as promised, here's a new MONSTER KING! Pages 11 and 12 are available for viewing starting at They feature Luther Dirge, the Lawyer from Hell, attempting to corrupt Cactus Joe's friends. Will he succeed? Will the Skull Mob sell their souls and sell out the Clown? To find out, tune in, turn on, and rock out!

Anyway, that's it for us this week. Wish us luck in Chi-town! Later.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Welp, this is nothing new. I've got three days to get ready for Wizard World Chicago, and I'm already behind the 8 Ball. Groan. Right now, I need to go through my inventory and make sure I've got enough copies of everything to make it through the weekend. I've got a stack of sketches to draw up (and I'm trying some new stuff with those... we'll see how well it works). Gotta reload the car. Gotta get change for the money box (can't forget that one). Lots to do, and not a lotta time to do it in. Oh well.

Other than that, Cousin Rachel's Wedding went nicely, and she and her hubby Gabe are off to "Safe" Mexico on their honeymoon. All of us here at TORC Press (and for those of you not in on the joke, "All of Us" is code for Me) wish the newly married couple the best of luck in the future. Huzzah!

Meanwhile, it's off to the Sawmill for this fool.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Goin' Southbound

Right-o. Well, that's it for me this week. We'll be off to Murfreesboro, TN in a few hours in anticipation of my cousin Rachel's wedding. There'll be food and fancy clothes and more food and blahblahblah. Should be fun.

Anyway, that'll pretty much be my weekend. As mentioned before, I'll have new pages of MONSTER KING up and running around the middle of next week. Then next weekend is the Wizard World Chicago Comicon. Woo-ha!

After that, it's time to duck our head and get some work done.