Sunday, February 27, 2011

New MONSTER KING and a Mess o' Production Updates

"Aw, why not? It's not like you're ever wrong."

Well, I'm a day later than usual, but I've got me a new MONSTER KING up at It's the last page of Issue 2, wrapping up the Clown and Pengy's rambling journey through the forest. For those of you that have a copy of Issue 11 of the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club, this is the debut of the SMILE KING (before it got all cleaned up...). So there's that. And for those of you that don't have a copy yet, head over to and pick up a copy of Issue 11 so you can find out what happens with the Clown's strange forest find.

Other than that, I am less than a week away from my first convention of the year, STAPLE in Austin, TX. I'll be boarding the plane on Friday and returning on Monday. I'll be at the show both days. I'm not gonna hold my breath hoping anyone who reads this blog will be at the show, but if you are a fan, please stop by the table and say hi. I'll be working the show alone this year, so company will be appreciated.

Why will I be working alone? Welp, simple enough, my wing-man, Brother Buzz, will be off in EUROPE touring with his one man Band, the Dr. Orphyus Project. Yep, the Fabulous Morris Boys will be logging in some serious Air Time this next week. Over the last two weeks, Bro and I have worked on two new videos which will be performed during the European shows. These videos are for Bro's forthcoming 3rd album "Death Jazz". In addition, sometime in April (?), we'll have an announcement involving the videos from Bros' brilliant second album, "An Introvert". So stay tuned for that.

As for me, I've got some new stuff in as well, but I'm gonna wait until after I get back from STAPLE before I go announcing anything.

Production Updates:

HFSAC vol. 1 TPB: Copies came in this week. I'll put the book up for sale online after I'm back from STAPLE.

HFSAC 12: Work is completed. I've decided to postpone sending the book to the printers until after I'm back from STAPLE.

HFSAC 13: I'm gonna start on the script this week.

Monster King 2: I need to do the Cover, Inside Front Cover, Page 24, and Inside Back Cover. I plan on sending it to the Printers sometime this week, giving it a potential release date of late March/early April.

Monster King 3: Script is completed, and Pages 1-12 are done. That should give me enough material to make it to mid-April. Pencil and Ink work on the remaining pages will resume shortly.

Mystery Book 1 Issue 1: I have copies, and will debut the book at STAPLE. I will announce the book online after I get home.

Mystery Book 1 Issue 2: Interior work is complete. I'll wrap up the cover today. I will probably send the book to the printers in early April, which should give it an early May release date.

Mystery Book 1 Issue 3: I'm gonna start on the script soon.

Mystery Book 2 Issue 1: Should ship to me this week. I will debut the book at SPACE. I will announce the book online the first week of April (or somewhere around then...).

Mystery Book 2 Issue 2: Completed, but I'm not sending it to the Printers until Summer. I'm not sure if I'll do further issues of this one or not. We'll see how it sells, and we'll see if I can come up with more story ideas.

I've got an idea for how to revive an existing book that I've been having trouble with, and I've got an idea for another thing that I may or may not do.

I am the Bizarre Human Comix Machine.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New MONSTER KING and Work Schedule

"I'm okay. He got my Jugular. Gotta Regenerate a lot of Blood."

Welp, it's Saturday, so we've got new MONSTER KING up. We're down to almost the end of Issue 2, with Pages 20-22. They can viewed at We'll wrap up the book next week, and then we'll leave the book up for a few weeks to give everyone a chance to read the whole thing.

In other news, if you head over to the Main Site at, you'll find a link to an eBay Auction that's got an Original Piece of TORC Press Artwork. Considering there are currently No Bids on it yet (Jeez, I suck), if you drop a bid now you'll have a pretty good chance of winning it. The Auction ends tomorrow (Sunday), so get in while the gettin's good.

Other than that, I'm plugging away on a new book while trying to work up a new video for the Dr. Orphyus Project. In addition, tomorrow, we'll be filming a new video for the DOP as well. Should be fun.

I need to go get groceries.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Original TORC Press Art for Sale

Right-o. I had almost forgotten about this one. A few months back, Jim Jones, the owner of Comic Quest and the de facto pointman of the Comic Quest Creator's Alliance came up with a contest where all the members of the CQCA were given an opportunity to draw a Sketch Cover. These are issues of Marvel Comics where everything on the cover is blank except for the logos. I picked up an issue of the Avengers (I think it's Issue 1 of the new "Heroic Age" version-thingie). Anyway, we were all supposed to draw something on the cover and then submit them back to Comic Quest. In turn, Comic Quest were going to put the Comics up on eBay for people to purchase. It's a Contest where whoever's cover fetches the highest eBay bid wins.

Now...I'm not the most competitive guy in the world...but I'm also not above a little shameless self promotion here. Sooooo, if you would like to own an original piece of original, one of a kind, hand made, original TORC Press artwork (plus, an issue of the Avengers, I guess), head on over to eBay and drop a bid on it. The link is Apparently, bidding ends on Sunday.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Ramble

Woo doggie. I've gotta lotta work to do tonight, and I haven't eaten supper yet. And I'm blogging for no good reason. Groan.

Anyway. If you ain't been there yet, there's three new pages of MONSTER KING up at the main site at Also, once again, we've got two new books up in the store at We've got the first print collection of Monster King, as well as Issue 11 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club". HFSAC 11's really good and the last part of a three issue story arc. You should pick up a copy. Why not? (A snarky person would respond to this with: "Because you suck." But we're not in the mood for snarky today, are we?)

Anyway, bought a crap ton of comics. Let's ramble, shall we?

"Hellboy: The Sleeping and the Dead" 2 of 2-- The conclusion of Hellboy's rumble with some cagey British Vampires. Nice art, Quite different from other Hellboy books.

"Witchfinder: Lost and Gone Forever" 1 of 5-- Sir Edward Grey, the Witchfinder, ends up in the Old West for some reason. Cool. Also, Buffalo/Werewolf thingie.

"Atomic Robo" Volume 5 #2 of 5-- Decided to try this one out because I've heard a fair amount of hype about it. It's not bad, and I can see why people dig it, but I don't think it's really my cup o' tea. A little too slow for my taste, and the art isn't my thing. I dig the setting, though, and the characters were all pretty neat.

iZombie #10-- Just when I start to loose interest in this series, a good issue comes along to keep me rolling. There's some cool stuff here, including possession, more interesting stuff with the Frankenstein chick, the one eyed dude gets into trouble, and we get a neat little revelation. Nice.

BPRD: Hell on Earth-Gods #2 of 3-- Man, the title of this series is ridiculous. Anyway, This Issue is Pretty Awesome. It's got little to do with the central cast or the central plot. Instead we get a lengthy (if somewhat mad) dissertation on the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. Very cool.

Bulletproof Coffin #5-6-- Yeah, this series was all sorts of awesome. The ending is a little bit of a bummer, but even then it comes around to something kinda upbeat. Kinda. Still, I really enjoyed this one. It's helped to reaffirm my love of comics.

"Orc Stain" vol 1-- Wow. Picked this one up, sight unseen, thanks to some hype (kinda on a hype run, lately). Wow. This is. Wow. Bold, crazy, wild, eye strainingly detailed artwork. A lush, detailed, exotic, strange, exciting world that gets more interesting with every passing page. Some interesting characters and a solid story. There's definitely some Paul Pope influence floating around in the art style, but it's still solidly its own thing. One word of warning though, Orc Penises are an integral part of everything in this world. So, there's that. Still, damn fine.

"Powr Mastrs" vol 1-- Another try out. As good as "Orc Stain"? Well, no. Still. There's an undeniable attraction to this thing. It's so dreamy and odd, but there's a logic to it (More about dream logic later). The art is...I'm just gonna say it. The art is crap (hey, I know it's bogus for me to say that, but c'mon, this guy actually got published and lotsa people are hyping his book, so he's got plenty of validation). Still, if you can get past the art, the sheer...strangeness of it all is quite compelling. Not sure if I'll pick up the other volumes or not. Gotta admit, I'm quite intrigued. Oh, there's also a graphic sex scene between a woman and a giant jellyfish. So there's that.

"Weathercraft"-- I've missed Jim Woodring so much. So much. There's so much time between Jim Woodring projects that you can sometimes forget Mr. Woodring and his brilliant, phenomenal work. Foolishness. Weathercraft is the Definition of a Must Have. Seriously. If you've never picked up anything by Jim Woodring, this is a great place to start. Like all of Woodring's "Frank" stories, this one is a strange, pantomime, dream-like, phantasmogoria of wonderment that exemplifies everything that is good and proper about comics storytelling. This particular volume follows around the unfortunate character of Manhog as he stumbles about, gets hurt A LOT, and even manages to achieve a brief enlightenment, all while exploring the malleable borders of Woodring's bizarre dreamworld. Oh, and Frank's got a bigger part than I expected. Again. Absolute MUST HAVE. While we're on the subject, get the "Big Book of Frank" while you're at it.

"Love and Rockets: New Stories" #3-- Speaking of must-haves. It's funny. If you know anything about comics, you know the Hernandez Bros are the cream of the crop. And, yet, they always seem to linger in this odd sort of obscurity. Anyway, new issue of L&R: NS is out, and it's genius of course. We get one of the most brilliant, touching, and utterly devastating Maggie stories to date (and I usually don't dig Jamie's work as much as most people do). There's another trippy "Movie" by Gilbert (I am loving these strange ass movies he's been creating. Love em.), coupled with a new story about Killer that links not only into the movie, but a whole mess of previous stuff. Again, and I can never stress this enough: MUST HAVE.

Production Updates: Gonna try to send HFSAC 12 to the Printers sometime within the next couple of weeks. Working on Issue 2 of Mystery Book. Working on a new video for the Dr. Orphyus Project. I've got enough MONSTER KING to get me through till Mid-April, which is nice. I'm tired tonight. Still, wanna see if I can get some more done tonight. Right.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm 33 Years Old Today. Not a milestone birthday by any stretch of the imagination. Not even a moderately important birthday. It's really just another trip around the sun, really. Normally, this is where I'd do a long, rambly, introspective rant about my life and alla that, but I've already done a couple of those, one before Christmas and one right after New Years. So, there's no real reason to rehash all that nonsense. Instead, let's just talk about my goals for the year. That sounds good.

1) I'm going to publish 24 Comics in One Year, by myself-- I've already talked about this one, but it's worth reiterating since it is my primary goal. I'm not married. I've got no girlfriend. I don't date. I've got no kids. I'm not rich. I'm not successful. I'm not famous. I'm not even moderately well known or critically acclaimed. So, I can sit around and sulk about all that, or I can perform a crazy, Herculean task just for the hell of it. Plus, doing something like this is, somewhat sadly, my idea of a Good Time.

2) I'm going to continue to do everything in my power to support the Dr. Orphyus Project. I'm not a fan of the DOP because it's my brother's band. I'm a fan of the Project because it's the most exciting act on the entire musical scene. I'll gladly do anything I can to support that cause.

3) I'd like one, nice Vacation. I work 40 hours a week in a Sawmill, and I work 40 or more hours on Comics every week. I travel all over the Midwest and beyond attending Comic Conventions where I spend most of my time standing up on a concrete floor, talking and talking and talking and promoting and pushing and selling and working my ass off. And I'm swell with all of that. But, still, I'm gonna need to get away at some point, or I'm gonna lose it.

And that's about it. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Production Updates

Hope everyone had a happy Super Bowl. Of course, thinking about it, I suppose Steelers fans didn't...but whatever. Here's our current Production Updates:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club: Issues 1-11 are currently available in the online store at If you're new to TORC Press or have never tried us out, I'd like to take a second to recommend Issues 9 through 11, the "Pyramid" story arc. It's a good starting point and an excellent story arc. Issue 12 is completed, but, due to the weather, I've been delayed in my attempt to get the book to the printers. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it rolling sometime next week, which will put its estimated release date sometime in early April. The Deadline for Issue 13 is the last Friday in March. I haven't even started on that one yet. The Trade Paperback Collection of HFSAC 1-6 is currently at the Printers. I should have copies before Convention season.

Monster King: The Print version of Issue 1 is available in the Online Store. Pages 1 through 16 of Issue 2 are currently available for viewing at The rest of Issue 2 is completed. The entire issue will be serialized online by the end of February, after which, I will send the book to the Printers, which will put its release sometime in April as well. I've got enough pages of Issue 3 ready to go to get me about midway through March. I'm currently trying to work up enough pages to get me comfortably through to the end of March.

Mystery Book 1: Issue 1 is currently at the Printers. I'll be unveiling the book at STAPLE and SPACE this year, and then I'll make it available online and will start the mad hyping nonsense. Issue 2 is currently in production. I'm about halfway through.

Mystery Book 2: Issue 1 is currently at the Printers. I'm unsure if I'll have the book in time for STAPLE, but I should have copies for SPACE. I'll probably unleash it online in mid-April. Issue 2 is already completed (it was my 24 Hour Comic...), but I won't be sending that to the Printers until Summer, because I only intend on producing a couple of issues of this book a year.

The Dr. Orphyus Project: Bro is currently working on Producing a DVD which will feature all of the videos from the DOP's second album "An Introvert". If you didn't already know, I do all of the animated videos for the DOP, and I'm really proud of the work I did on the Introvert album in particular. If all goes according to plan, he'll have copies available before I go on the Convention Circuit (and, yes, I'll have copies to sell at most of the shows I'll be going to), and more importantly, before he goes on tour in Europe. That's right, cats and kittens, my little Brother is getting ready to rock out across Europe! How awesome is that? Anyway, I just finished working up the logo for Bro's next album, "Death Jazz", which I believe has a Summer release date. In addition, I'll be producing at least one new video for the DOP before he leaves next month. I haven't started work on that yet, unfortunately.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice, Snow, and MONSTER KING Hype!

"Oh Crap! The Eggs!"

Welp, before we get to the Hype (and there's a fair amount of it), I hope everyone made it out of the Ice Storm okay. We didn't get it too bad. We lost power for about six nonconsecutive hours, but I was asleep for most of it. Man, oh man, I am sick to death of winter. Every blankety blankin' day I get up and work outside in weather that's 20 or less. Every day. Every freakin' day. We're all running out of patience for this crap. Oh, and it's snowing again today. I was gonna go to Evansville today, but now I'm not sure. I'd rather not end up in a ditch the day before the Super Bowl. Actually, I'd rather not end up in a ditch period.

Anyway, it's Saturday, so that means it's MONSTER KING Time! This week we've got pages 14-16, featuring the return of Hassan i Phantom and his annoying Marionettes. There's lots of smashing and a fair amount of blood. Fun!

Speaking of Monster King, the first full print issue of MONSTER KING is now available for sale in our online store at If you dig the webcomic, you can help support it and ensure its continued existence by picking the book up. It's colorful.

And speaking of new comics, Issue 11 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" is also now available. It's the conclusion of the "Pyramid" story arc, it's got a giant Snake Monster God thing, Cactus Joe goes crazy (or at the very least schizophrenic), and we get the story on Broken Tea Cup's sudden, mildly inexplicable transformation. It's a great comic and a great story arc. And, yes, I know I'm biased. So?

So, a few folks have mentioned they've been having trouble keeping up with the comings and goings in TORCville lately, mostly due to how much Myspace sucks nowadays. (Sorry, Myspace. I'm aware that I've posted a copy of this blog on you, but let's face facts, your sad attempts to regain relevance have only made you somehow more obsolete.) The simple solution to the problem is to just stop by once a week. Not only does MONSTER KING update once a week, but any time the BLOG updates, I'll now be clearly marking that on the BLOG Link. Plus, right up on top is the NEWS section with all of the latest, up-to-date TORC Info.

As we wrap things up for the morning and try to decide whether I wanna roll the dice on a trip across state in a possible snowstorm (groan), let's talk Conventions, shall we? My Convention Schedule for 2011 Looks like this so far:

STAPLE- March 5-6-- Austin, TX- Status: Confirmed and Plane Tickets Purchased. Notes: It's a long trip, but totally worth it, as this has become a yearly favorite of mine. Not only do I get away from the crappy Illinois weather for a weekend, but the crowds are great. I'll be there both days.

SPACE- March 19-20-- Columbus, OH- Status: Confirmed. Notes: My favorite show of the year. I'm not sure what will happen now that it's on the same day as C2E2, but who cares? SPACE is great.

Gem City Con- April 1-- Dayton, OH- Status: Confirmed. Notes: Geez, I'm starting to think I should buy a house somewhere in Ohio. I spend a lot of time in that state. Anyway, a friend recommended this one day show, so I thought I'd check it out. The table was affordable, so now matter how I do, I'm not out too much.

Free Comic Book Day- May 7 -- Comic Quest in Evansville, IN- Status: I think I'm in. Notes: My closest "Con", I've been setting up at Comic Quest for...4 years(?) now on FCBD. Sometimes I make some okay scratch, and it's nice to be within driving distance from home.

Minnesota Spring Con- May 21-22 --St. Paul, MN- Status: I've Contacted People. Awaiting Confirmation. Notes: A friend recommended this show to me. Also, I may be able to say hi to an old friend while I'm up there.

Derby City Comicon- July 16-- Louisville, KY- Status: I've sent my money out. Awaiting Confirmation. Notes: Clint gave me the info on this one. The drive's not too bad (three hours, give or take), so I should be able to work the show and drive home on the same day. Nice.

Wizard World Chicago- August 11-14-- Rosemont, IL- Status: Haven't sent my money yet. Waiting for Tax Refund. Notes: My only Illinois show. How screwed up is that?

Cincinnatti Comic Expo- September 17- Cincinnatti, OH- Status: Haven't sent my money yet. Notes: I don't know why, but there's a lot of shows in Ohio. Go figure.

Nashville Comic and Horror Fest- October 1-2- Nashville, TN-- Status: Need to contact promoter for prices/availability, then send money. Notes: I've worked this show for a few years now. This year it's back at the Fairgrounds, which is nice. We do nicely here.

Right now I've got nothing in June (groan), and I'm debating whether or not to work Mid-Ohio Con (Ohio, again? Really?) in November. If Clint wants to split a table, I'll probably do it. Otherwise, I could skip that one. I don't plan on working shows during the months of December through February.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two New Comics? Madness!


That's right, it's February, and even though there's supposed to be a Killer Ice Storm comin' straight for us, the valiant folks here at TORC Press are continuously undaunted in our quest to unleash the strangest, funnest, most kickingest comix around. Long story short, we've got two new books available in our online store at First off, we've got the first issue of "Monster King", as previously seen in online webcomic form. It's in bright, garish full color, and features the Clown and Penguin battling a variety of threats while desperately trying to take a leisurely stroll through the forest. I'll admit, it's a little pricey at $5, but again, it's in full color (which is the one and only cause for the price hike). If you've been enjoying the webcomic, help support it by picking up the hard copy. Pwease?

Also now available is Issue 11 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club". The third and final chapter of the "Pyramid" trilogy features the Fudgeheads in a desperate struggle with a gigantic, seemingly unstoppable, Snake God/5th Dimensional Parasite. It's a wild issue, and also continues the unexpected return and even more unexpected transformation of Broken Tea Cup. There's a free preview of the book up at Or you can just buy it sight unseen from the online store as well. That works too.

For those of you not in the mood to shop online, here's a more technical, snail mail run down:

Monster King Issue 1 is a Full Color, 24 Page Comic featuring some exaggerated violence for $5.00 plus $1.50 S&H. The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Issue 11 is a BWG, 24 Page Mature Readers (mostly cursing in this particular issue) Comic for $2.50 plus $1.50 S&H. Either (or both!) can be acquired by sending check or money order for the proper amount to:

TORC Press
c/o Joseph Morris
330 S 5th St SW
Clay City, IL 62824

The Impossible 24 Comix in One Year Challenge Counter: 3 Comix Published.

Viva la TORC Press!