Monday, June 25, 2012

New SDF, the Tumblr, and Other Stuff

Alrighty, cats and kittens.  It's Monday, and I feel like roasted garbage.  I've got 9 hours in a sawmill in the summer heat to look forward to.  But life is good, because the comix love just keeps a comin'.

First off, we've got Page 11 of Issue 2 of SDF up and running.  The heated verbal debate between Octopus Jones and Kill Boy continues to devolve, and, of course, something new goes wrong.  Check it out at

Also, don't forget, I've got a Tumblr thingie now too, so go check that out at  Right now the webcomic is on there as well, and you can still read it fairly clearly.  That's nice.

Animation work on the Dr. Orphyus Project Video "A Look in the Mirror" hopefully will begin this evening.  My current goal is to finish the bulk of the work on that video this week.  Also, I am currently finishing the Print Edition of "Pulp Horrorshow" v.3 #1.  It will feature an "aliceislost" back up story, and a new short story with a brand new character.  My goal is to have PH v3.1 and "Clown & Penguin" #2 ready by the time I get to Chicago.  Who knows if that'll happen or not.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Here We Go a Tumblin'

So, I've been following a few guys on Tumblr.  And I was like, maybe I should get a Tumblr.  At least then I could follow some of these guys and not have to check a half dozen websites every day.  Plus, I could up artwork.  Why not?  I could probably put art on this blog, but damned if I know how.  Anyway, my Tumblr can be found at

Other than that, a new Page of SDF is actually already online.  I'll officially announce it tomorrow.  Currently working on the bonus material for "Pulp Horrorshow" (vol. 3) #1, a new video for the Dr. Orphyus Project, and Penciling a couple of different books.  Currently reading Brian Chippendale's "Ninja".

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Current Comix World

I should be doing things right now.  I should be drawing comix or cleaning my house or cooking or going to yoga or...anything, really.  Instead, I find myself sitting here, hoping my Air Conditioner cools the house off enough to make my place inhabitable.  So let's talk comics.  The year is (already) half over, so let's talk about the only thing that gets me up in the morning.  Comics.  Or, more specifically, what's Rocking my Comics World.

1)  DC Continues to Impress-  So, the whole New 52 thing has been going on for almost a year, and you can see some slow down happening.  I've dropped some books and tried some books (and One Major Awesome Comic got cancelled on me), but, surprisingly, I'm not only still reading a lot of books from the line, I'm getting Absolutely Floored by many of those books.  "Animal Man" and "Swamp Thing" have managed to not only step out of the shadows of their legendary forefathers (no small feat in its own right), but these two books are standing tall on their own, creating an amazing new mythology that excites me every month.  "Wonder Woman" is exciting and interesting for the first time since the 1930s (think about that one for, like, a minute).  Oh, and "Frankenstien: Agent of SHADE" is just awesome.  Last issue.  Just awesome.

2)  Marvel Continues to Bore-  Sigh.  I really wanna like Marvel again.  Too bad they can't produce a book I wanna read.  Sigh.

3)  BPRD: The Long Death was like a TORC Press book if I had talent, money, and time.  Unbelievable, brilliant comics wonderfullness.

4)  The Bulletproof Coffin is back, and I am Happy-  So, I wasn't sure what to expect the sequel to "The Bulletproof Coffin" entitled "Disinterred" popped up.  The first two issues were great and Issue three was awesome.  Then along comes Issue 4.  The CUT UP Issue.  A William S. Burroughs inspired work of pure mind-bombage, my pathetic little meat-mind can barely handle the sheer exploding insanity of this work.  I am glad this comic exists.

5)  Damn, Saga is good-  What else can I say?  I had no intention of buying this series, but then some friends recommended it to me, so I picked it up.  Glad I did.  This beautiful, strange, dark, sexy, wild, epic, and endlessly expansive series knocked me on my ass and hasn't given me the chance to get back up.

5.5)  The Extreme Relaunch has got me all embarrassed-  So, I have a confession to make.  I never hated Rob Liefeld for the same reasons as everyone else.  I didn't hate him because he was a bad artist or a bad writer or he couldn't draw feet.  I hated him because he always promised to produce comics and then the comics wouldn't show up.  I got sick of getting excited about a new Liefeld book only to wait a year and then the damn book never showed up.  So, now we're relaunching the Extreme Universe, and I find myself...strangely excited by it all.  Perhaps a lot of it has to do with Liefeld's "Hands Off" approach (Liefeld is off writing/plotting/drawing THREE books for DC right now).  With other people producing the books, there's a better chance they'll actually come out.  But a lot of it has to do with the fact that these comics are (to steal the title from Rob's failed company) Awesome.  "Prophet" is incredible.  Wild, surreal, bizarre, dark, and completely unpredictable.  The art on "Glory" is phenomenal, and the story's pretty good too.  "Bloodstrike" is all about the Vi-o-lence.  I'm intrigued by Erik Larsen's take on "Supreme".  Heck, even the most traditional "Old School Extreme" book, "Youngblood" has been pretty good.  I'm sure in a couple of months, Liefeld or someone else will pull the plug on the project, and I'll feel ripped off again.  But for now, I'm really digging this relaunch.  And feeling moderately embarrassed about it at the same time...

6)  American Barbarian in Hardcover and Final Frontier in Digital-  Tom Scioli is brilliant.  I loved American Barbarian online, and I picked up the fat, handsome, and economically priced Hardcover at SPACE.  Reread it.  Loved it some more.  In the meantime, Scioli continues to knock the ball out of the park with his new online strip "Final Frontier".  The Fantastic Four reinvisioned as the Beetles of Superheroes, every time the strip is updated I find myself thrilling to whatever strange new idea, concept, or image that pops up.  It's just brilliant.

7)  For some reason, I am obsessed with Brian Chippendale-  After reading some strong reviews for Brian Chippendale's "If n' Oof" last year, I picked up a copy.  I loved it.  The ugly yet beautiful, primitive yet obsessively detail oriented Comic finally brought me around on the whole Gary Panter Influenced Alt-Comics thingie.  Although I've been reading a lot of these guys lately, including the aforementioned Gary Panter, CF, Matt Brinkman, and Michael DeForge, but it's Chippendale's work that I've gravitated to the most.  I find myself scouring the internet, trying to find any strange little comic I can get my hands on.  It's a little obsessive, honestly.  In the meantime, I check the Picturebox website weekly to see if Chippendale's bizarre online strip "Puke Force" has updated.  Yep.

So, halfway through 2012, that's my Comics World.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Webcomic...on Time?

Welp, it's Monday morning, and for the first time in awhile I actually had enough time to finish last night's webcomic and get it online early.  Who knew?  Anyway, Page 10 of Issue 2 of SDF can be viewed at  It's a Talking Heads page, but another moderately significant talking heads page.

Convention wise I am on break until August.  Pulp Horrorshow: DirTown is on break until June 27.  I am currently working on the Print Edition of Pulp Horrorshow (v.3) #1.  I am also working on a handful of other projects.

Other than that, caught "Prometheus" over the weekend.  Eh.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Webcomic Pages and Other Stuff

First off, a big ole thank you to those fine folks that came out and supported TORC Press at the 2012 Project Comicon 2 in St. Louis, MO.  We had a nice show, and it was a nice change of pace to be able to hit a show that was a meager 2 hour drive away (instead of 6 or more...).

Second off, the new webcomix are finally up.  For starters, we've got Page 9 of Issue 2 of SDF, which can be viewed at  This page features a brief conversation between the mysterious Mr. Mystery and the ever enigmatic Puzzelor.  What are they talking about?  Time will tell on this one, but I feel like something is up here.

In addition, we've got Page 12, the final page of Issue One of Pulp Horrorshow: DirTown, up and running over at  This features the very brief, and somewhat obscured debut of a brand new character.  With the completion of Issue One of PH: DT, we'll be taking a two week break from the strip while we prepare the Print Edition.  The Printed version of Pulp Horrorshow will feature not only the full 12 Page Webcomic, but also an EXCLUSIVE 12 Page aliceislost strip.

We're on break now, Convention-wise, until August.  Our next show will be at the 2012 Wizard World Chicago Comicon. 

In the meantime, I need to overhaul the website, finish some leftover Era 3 books, and get some of the new comix I've been promoting at conventions available online.

Now if only I had some spare time to do all of that...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Project Comicon in St. Lunatic

Whoodoggies.  It's almost Saturday, so it's almost time for me to pack up and hit the road for St. Louis and Project Comicon.  I'll be there both days, doing my thing and raising a ruckus.  Details at

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday SDF

Ah, Monday.  Time for a new SDF, which can be found at  It introduces two new characters, which is always nice.  The more the merrier I always say.

I'll be at Project: Comicon in St. Louis, MO this weekend.  Details on the show can be found at

And that is all I can think of to say this morning.