Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Military, Religion, and GOAT!

Welp, I'm watching Parks & Rec wrap up.  Anyway, comix.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club vol. 2 #0 Page 3.

Panel 1:  "The Ortex Military Machine Is a Massive War Machine..."  Welp, I'm not winning any awards for my writing any time soon.  Dear Lord.  Anyway, Boolah if you're reading this on the can at 6am, let's try to remember this page.  It'll come in handy when we're trying to come up with more Ortex Red Shirts.  Plus, I really wanna draw that one Ortex Spaceship sometime in the future.  That is a cool ship.  I also like the Teeth Ships.  I don't think we've seen those things since Clown & Penguin #1 & 2.

Panel 2:  What was it L. Ron Hubbard said?  Religion, that's where the real money is.  I was raised in a Baptist Church, and was a pretty solid Christian for most of my life.  Nowadays, I'm not anything.  Not Christian, not atheist, not agnostic, not nothing.  I don't really believe in Organized Religion anymore.  I've seen the good things it can do, and I've seen all the horrible things it can do, and I'm just not really interested anymore.  Anyway, it makes sense for Ortex to have their own religion.  Nothing inspires loyalty like religion.

Panel 3:  Noteworthy Bad Guys on this page--

Skarr-  Skarr first popped up in HFSAC #5-6, and he reappeared in HFSAC 18.  Originally he was just a high priest of Levitone's Cult (a precursor to the Church of Ortex), but he's been such a loyal servant that he's become a High Priest in the Church of Ortex.

Luther Dirge-  A Lawyer Demon from Hell (that's right, there's an entire category of Demon devoted to Lawyers), Dirge made a few early appearances where he slinked around the background, buying people's souls and then turning them into Demons that attacked the Clown.  His first real appearance was in "SDF: Foul Business".  He sent another Demon after the Clown in "SDF: End of Era".  He tried to get the Clown's friends to sell him out in "Monster King" #4.  And he actually got blown up by a Butterfly Bullet in "The Clown & Tea Cup Show" #2 or 3 or 4(?).  Anyway, he eventually reformed his spirit, took possession of a new body, and became the First Pope of the Church of Ortex, which we first see in "Pulp Horrorshow" v.3 #2.  I hate this guy.

Levitone-  Levitone, much like Luther Dirge, made a handful of cameos early on, but he didn't really show up until HFSAC 5-6.  He also showed up in HFSAC 18-19.  Levitone is a Soul Eater (well, all Demons eat Souls, but Levitone is a specialist).  He gets bigger and nastier the more souls he chows down on.  He's the False God of the Church of Ortex, so, technically, just about every Soul on Earth is powering him.  So, he's bad news.  The Clown blew him up with a Butterfly Bullet in HFSAC 19, but he spent a little time in Hell and reassembled his Soul, so he's back.  Also, despite his giant size, he always speaks in a barely audible whisper.  I don't know what's up with that.

If I had been using my head, I would have drawn Toldos and Rakor on this page, too.  Don't know why I didn't.  They woulda been better than those three generic demons.  Whatever.

Anyway, on to SDF.  I yield the floor to the Boolah.

SDF vol. 2 #0 Page 3.

The re-introduction of the Chupacabra in this page. Joseph originally had him as a Hulk type character to begin with running around. I upped the ante and gave him a teleportation power as well. I snubbed the idea from a bunch of characters Joseph and I designed late in 2013. The original guy was super strong but looked like a wad of chewed bubblegum. He stuck so well in my head I can't even remember his name.

I also like the Dragonball Z thing going on with Death Moth's hood/cape deal. This wasn't a terrible looking page after all was said and done. Just wait until the previews get to next week to start throwing the tomatoes.

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