Sunday, July 31, 2011

Feeling Better Now

Right. A little bit of extra sleep, plenty of liquids, and some time on the road with the radio blaring, and I almost feel like a human being again, as opposed to a raging ball of raging rage. Nice.

So, I've got a full plate, as usual. This next weekend, we've got my Cousin Rachel's Big Wedding. Of course, all of us here at TORC Press would like to take a moment to congratulate our dear cousin on her impending nuptials. Anyway, that'll pretty much take up all of next weekend. As a result, we're just going to postpone the next set of pages of MONSTER KING until midway through the next week. Probably something in the neighborhood of August 8-10. I dunno.

On top of that, we've got the big, fat Wizard World Chicago Comicon the next weekend. That runs from August 11-14. As mentioned before, that show will pretty much be a bloodbath. We'll either do okay, or we'll burn out like an exploding star in a mass of utter commercial failure. Whatever. We'll do our best and hope for the best.

Other than that, I've paid the invoice on "The Clown & Tea Cup Show" #2, so hopefully I'll have that in my possession before too long. I plan on getting "Cosmic Love" #3 off to the printers soon (maybe today). HFSAC 14 is also ready to go. I'm also working on HFSAC 15, but it's slow going due to the heat and the lack of spare time.

Other than that, "One Piece" is ALMOST up to the "2 Years Later" Jump that will move the story on to its next phase. That's nice. "Kirby: Genesis" continues to have its ups and its downs. On the upside, there's this just endless deluge of wild ideas ricocheting around all over the place. That's great. On the downside, there's the terrible page layouts (seriously, they give me a headache), and, again, STATIC, ONE PANEL ACTION SEQUENCES DO NOT DO JUSTICE TO THE KING'S BRILLIANT MULTI-PANEL BALLETS OF VIOLENCE! But, the characters and story are starting to pull together, and I'm definitely intrigued enough to keep reading.

Welp, let's do some Photoshopping.

Friday, July 29, 2011

New MONSTER KING and I'm Outa Juice


I'm a little early, but I'm heading to Evansville for the Comic Quest Creator's Alliance Meeting tomorrow morning, so I thought I'd get MONSTER KING up and running. We've got Pages 9 & 10 up starting at This week we've got Action, Action, and the return of Luther Dirge, the Lawyer from Hell (last seen in MK3, and before that Waaaay back in "SDF: Foul Business"). Also, that chick in the Skull Mask is called Witch Doctor. Huh.

Other than that, I really haven't heard any worthwhile news to come out of Comicon International last week. Apparently, the Kirby estate lost their lawsuit with Marvel. Big surprise (insert sarcastic tone). Justice is meaningless nowadays.

Other than that, it's still too CURSE WORD DELETED hot outside. I'm exhausted, I'm frustrated, I'm a bit dehydrated, and the only thing I want more than a good night's sleep is to get into a bar fight for absolutely no good reason. I am in the worst mood right now.

Speaking of People who need punched in the face, our Government continues to completely fail the American People. Ya know, I kinda hope this continual fighting destroys both parties. That would be nice. No more Republicans or Democrats. Just folks trying to figure things out without some kind of tow the line idealism.

Actually, life is going pretty good for me right now. I'm just too BLEEPING fried to enjoy any of it right now.

Friday, July 22, 2011

New MONSTER KING in the Blazing Heat

"Don't Worry, Ma'am. No Insane Cults will be Sacrificing Women While the Skull Mob is Around."

Ah. Back in Business. We've got two news pages of MONSTER KING up at In this issue we get a little bit of action (always good), and a little bit of intrigue (also nice). You might have noticed that Cactus Joe and Pengy's group are called the "Skull Mob". But then on Page 4, we got El Exclamation Point!, Agent D, Dr. Z, Armageddon Clock, and some other guy hanging out in Foster City beating up the Bob Mafia and calling themselves the "Skull Mob". Now, on Page 8 we've got Bad Jack (haven't seen him since "SDF: Pulp"), Mr. Hex, the Puzzelor, Spookshow, and some hornet/wasp chick fighting insane cultist around Mud Village and calling themselves "the Skull Mob". Huh. I wonder what's going on? Do I have a plan, or am I just screwing around? Don't ask me, man. It's not like I know what's going on. I just write this stuff.

Other than that, we're only a few weeks away from the Chicago Comicon. That's our biggest and riskiest show of the year. Obviously, I hope it goes well.

A good night's sleep would be nice.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Back from Kentucky

Welp, we're back from Kentucky. Had a pretty good show, and as always, I'd like to thank those that came out and supported the cause. In fact, we had more people take a chance on us at this show than at most of the shows I've been to this year. So that was nice.

As always, I'm trying to figure what plays to make based on this last show. Monster King #3 and The Clown & Tea Cup Show #1 seemed to sell the best. Both of those books are REALLY weird. Maybe I'm better off avoiding the mainstream stuff entirely. Or maybe it was just coincidence. The fact that MK3 sold well might mean that Color is a good idea, after all. Or not. Hell, I dunno.

The HFSAC TPB isn't setting the world on fire. Am I not pushing it hard enough? Come to think of it, I still haven't added that one to the store. I'm starting to think that Trade Paperbacks are a bad idea...for us Small Press Guys. They work great for established creators/characters/imprints. But us little guys? I mean, would you spend 10 bucks or more on a book from some guy you never heard of? Well, I mean, I would, but I'm crazy about comix. But you wouldn't, right?

What's bugging me, is that I really haven't been able to move "Cosmic Love" #2 super well. That book should sell like Hot Cakes. It is bad ass. Total. Bad. Ass. And it sells okay. But it should sell better. People should pick that one up, flip through a few pages, and go, "Yes, please." Maybe I need a better sales pitch. Maybe I just don't know what's good and what's not.

Eh, it's all just some crazy crapshoot at the end of the day.

Next show is the Chicago Comicon August 11-14. I'll be working that show like a rabid pit bull. Growl.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Derby City Tomorrow

If I'm not my usual happy-go-lucky self today, it's because things have not gone well this week. I'm not in the mood to air personal situations on the intranet (at least not right now), so we'll just say I've had enough for now.

So, yeah, no new Monster King this week. We may try to get something out in mid-week. I dunno.

Speaking of I dunno, against my better judgment, I'll be at the Derby City Comicon tomorrow. Run down is at


Saturday, July 9, 2011


"Y'know Little Buddy, I Kinda Miss the Days when we Just Hung Out at our House and Fought Demons Every Day."

It's Saturday, so it's time for new MONSTER KING! In fact, we've got a double shot today. First up, we've got our standard Two Page Installment of the Best Damn Webcomic Absolutely No One is Reading. This week, we enter the Belly of the Beast, and it's not what we expect at all. But then again, what is ever what we expect in the TORCverse? Anyway, it's not long before things go from bizarre to horrible, which I suppose is something we can expect in the TORCverse. You can start the fun at

As an added bonus, Issue 3 of MONSTER KING is now available for sale in Print in our Online Store at It's 24 Pages in Blindly full Color sammiched between Cardstock Covers for $5.00 plus $1.50 S&H. If you didn't read it in its original online form, MK3 is everything that's great about TORC Press. It's a swirling, smashing, surrealist action explosion that doesn't make a lick of sense and is filled to the brim with bizarre characters and strange situations. There's talking frogs, skinless monsters, Kharma Revolvers, Strange Visions, and a Guy with a TV for a Head. You should read it. If you don't like the online store, you can always send a check or money order to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824. That's right, I want your monies so's I cans eats it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th Production Updates

A glorious and happy Independence Day to one and all. Hope you get to blow up stuff good and proper.

Whatta we got today? Production Updates? Yokay.

"The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club"-- Issues 1-13 are available in the online store ( They're super swell. I'm within a few pages of wrapping up Issue 14. I plan on Scripting Issue 15 just as soon as I have 14 done (so, within a day or two). After 15 is done we'll take a little break to play catch on...

"Cosmic Love"-- Issues 1 and 2 are in the store. Issue 3 is done, but I still need to scan it into the computer and send it to the printers. I'll start work on Issue 4 after I'm done with the two parter in HFSAC 14-15.

"Monster King"-- Issues 1 and 2 are in the store. Issue 3 is at the Printers right now, should have copies before I go to the Derby City Comicon later this month. Issue 4 is currently up and running at I've got... a little less than half the issue done. I'll script Issue 5 (the first part of a two parter) after I've finished Issue 4.

Other Stuff- As mentioned earlier, I'll be at the Derby City Comicon in Louisville, KY on July 16th. After that, it's Wizard World Chicago in August. I've got the second issue of "The Clown and Tea Cup Show" ready to go. I'm trying to decide when to send it to the Printers. Maybe today. I've got the Script for an All Ages Book, and one page completed. I'd like to finish that book by the end of the year.

My mind is on what's next.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

MK 4 Pages 3-4


It's Saturday, so it's time for new MONSTER KING! We've got Pages 3 and 4 of Issue 4 up and running. Took too long to color. Been on the computer for five hours. I can't feel my right arm. This sucks. Having said that, this week's MONSTER KING continues to be ridiculous and bizarre and fun.

I gotta get off the computer.

Oh yeah, the link: