Monday, January 5, 2015

Bad Rapture Epilogues And Everything Else

Aaaaaaaaaaaand We're Back...

It's a New Year, Cats n' Kittens, so let's just get rolling.

As you know, Bad Rapture wrapped up, sad and dark as it was.  It's now time to wrap up this Era of TORC Press, and wrap up our little trio of books.  I know awhile back that I said I was gonna run HFSAC, Skull Mob, and SDF to 100 Issues, but the plan has changed a bit.  So, instead, I am gonna bring HFSAC, Skull Mob, and SDF to a conclusion.  HFSAC and SDF will then return with a Brand New Volume with Brand New #1s.  But before we can do all of that, we've gotta wrap up the current volumes.  We'll be running a page of all three comics Monday through Thursday, with Friday being a break day.

We'll start with SDF:

SDF vol. 1 Issue 10 Page 1.  Script/Layouts by Scott Bayler.  Everything Else by Joseph Morris.

Welp, back in HFSAC 23, the Chupacabra got punched into space by the Vertionce.  In Skull Mob #5, @byss got thrown into space by the Vertionce.  So this is is these two guys returning from space.  Boolah really wanted this scene.

Skull Mob:

Skull Mob vol. 1  Issue 6  Page 1.  (Also, SDF 10 Page 11)  Script/Layouts by Scott Bayler.  Everything Else by Joseph Morris.

As I mentioned above, this page will also, eventually be SDF Page 11, so this story takes place more or less at the same time as SDF 10.  Anyway, we've got Death Moth and Peacock leaving the Community and returning to the Burning Hotel.  Once again, Death Moth hates Peacock, because they used to be enemies, and because Peacock spent most of the Bad Rapture Event hiding behind a stump.  While other heroes sacrificed themselves to protect Cheryl, Peacock was a coward and hid, so that's why Death Moth is not in the best of moods where Peacock is involved.

Lastly, HFSAC:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club vol. 1 Issue #24 Page 1.  Everything by Joseph Morris.  This is a 24 Hour Comic.

Okay, I know it's confusing, but this story takes place a day or two after the events of SDF 10/Skull Mob 6.  The HFSAC crew will be in SDF 10, but that story takes place before this one.  I know, confusing.  Anyway, to make things even more confusing, some stuff has happened off panel between HFSAC's departure, namely that the Hip Bros, Eyemo, Eyemii, and PlatOmega have all left HFSAC.  I thought about mentioning all of the deaths from Bad Rapture, but I was trying to avoid spoilers, so I glossed over that.  Anyway, our heroes are bummed.

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