Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sadness and Returning Home

Heyo Ho, Let's Go!

First off, SDF time:

SDF #10 Page 2 (First half of a double page spread)

Some stuff on this page.  Octopus Jones is broken.  Originally, I didn't plan on having OJ in his Super-Suit, but I... let's just say I have my reasons, and they're personal and not story related.  Moving on.  Cactus Joe, being an Action Hero Guy, is not particularly adept at dealing with grief and tragedy.  He wants to comfort OJ, but he doesn't really know how.  Of course, the Death Moth has some serious problems dealing with this type of a situation, which is why his back is turned.  He just has no idea how to deal with this situation.  The crude gravestones in the background are for all the Geek-Heroes that died during Bad Rapture.  At first, I was going to have a series of bodies and freshly dug graves by the tombstones... and then I remembered that... well, for most of them, there was nothing left to bury.  Seriously, most of them were vaporized.

Skull Mob
Skull Mob #6 Page 2.

Not much to go into about this one, as the last two members of the Skull Mob spiral down the Bone Door's Ghost Path into the Shadowy Depths of the 6th Dimension.  Just another day in the TORCverse.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #24 Page 2.

While the Skull Mob spiral into the abyss, the remaining members of HFSAC are on their way to their Space Age Hi-Tech Hideout, the Soda Shoppe, which, once again, is obviously themed after Brother Eye.  Side Note:  When you're doing a 24 Hour Comic, Splash Pages are LifeSavers.  Expect more of these over the course of the comic. 

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