Monday, March 30, 2015

Hey Ho, Let's Go!

Well, provided the check makes it through the Mail, I'll be at Tippy Con in Lafayette, IN this Saturday, doing my thing.

Here we go:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club v.2 #1 Page 4.

This is the First Half of a Double Page Spread.

This series is about Mythology.  I see a lot of Myths written and rewritten.  Look at how we do Vampires over and over again.  As I type this, I'm watching "From Dusk Till Dawn the TV Series", which combines elements of Vampire Mythology with some Aztec Mythology and, I suppose you could argue, Pulp/Crime Noir Mythology.  My Gal and I watched a couple episodes of "Supernatural" today, a show chock-full of Myth and Legend and whatnot.  My Lady is also a big fan of ABC's "Once Upon a Time", which rewrites Legends and Fairy Tales in a Modern Context.

In Comics, our biggest Myths are Superman and Batman.  We see these Myths written and rewritten over and over again.  How many different "in continuity" versions of Batman have we seen?  How many Elseworlds versions?  How many times have we seen Marvel or Image or Dark Horse do the Batman?  Or Superman?  Or even Green Lantern for that matter?  Heck, Mark Millar dropped the entire Marvel Universe into an "Authority" story arc, and Warren Ellis built and warped the entire Marvel and DC Universes into "Planetary".

Mei calls Jack Kirby my God, and if that is the case, the 4th World is my Holy Bible.  It's my Mythology, because it was his mythology.  And the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club is a 4th World book.  We're rewriting and rebuilding and reworking 4th World Mythology and refocusing it through the Lens of my own personal worldview and experience (Note Tea Cup's Blue Collar Line).  So we've got Fornever Cubes instead of Mother Boxes and the Manta Emperor instead of the Mobius Chair.  Mythological Roots, y'know?

Or, maybe I'm just a big ole rip off artist like everyone else.   Eh, whatever.

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