Friday, March 27, 2015

SDF vol.2 & Prints

Normally I lead in with the Comic Page and do my Ramble Thingie.  But I got a really cool email from a fella asking me about buying a print of yesterday's "In the Beginning" Page.  At first, I was like, nah, I can't do that.  Then I was like, waitaminute, I own my own Printer.  I can Print anything I want, anytime I want.  So why not?

So, long story short, if you're out there, and you're a TORC Press Fan, and you've always wanted a specific Page or Cover of Artwork from a TORC Press Comic, you can now get it from the store at  There's two sizes/types, either an 8X11 Print on Bristol for $5 plus $2 S&H or a Full Poster Size (11X17) for $10 plus $2 S&H.  If you order one, make sure to let me know in the Comments section what Page of Art you want.  Oh, and Double Page Spreads count as two separate pieces.

Second off, I worked a really cool show last weekend, called the Soko Comics Expo.  While at the show I got to hang out a bit with my Comrade-in-Arms and occasional collaborator, Clint Bassinger.  He's got a great new book out called "Merlinja" which is about a Ninja-Wizard.  It is totally rock on.  You can check out his Comics and Art at:!landscape/cyuu.  While I was at the show I made a new Comrade-in-Arms in Loyd Dean Gant III who's been out there working on comics and honing his skills and writing comics for folks.  His book, which is called "The Book" is available now.  It's a cool, trippy read where he's out there trying new stuff and experimenting.  You can find him on Facebook to check out his work.  While I'm at it, I'm also backing some projects on Kickstarter right now.  If that's your kinda thing too, then check out Ninjasaurus by Jason Horn at, and fellow SPACE regular Eric Adams's Lackluster World at

Third off, Comix Work.  Today we have the return of SDF with a brand new Volume 2.  The new Volume is completely written by my Partner-in-Crime, Scott "Boolah" Bayler.  My only contribution to this book is the Art, Lettering, and vague Editing.  Otherwise, Boolah's running the show solo.  As such, I'm passing the Commentary Track along to him.  Take it away Boolah.

SDF v.2 #1 Page 1.


The page that usually starts inside the book will start on the inside cover for dramatic purposes. I always liked how Warren Ellis did this in his "Change or Die" storyline from the first Stormwatch stuff he wrote. Here, in the darkness, we see Secret Soldier give his "rally the troops" speech. As a soldier/victim of many wars, he is now leading this new faction into battle.

There will be many themes in the upcoming book ahead. I hope to mix fight scenes, character development, and a whole slew of other stories all into this chapter in SDF. I can see how Joseph writes his book very 70's Kirby style, while mine will be more bit-by-bit style, I guess you could say.

And, as always: Kill Hitler.

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