Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Other Handy Thing About Webcomics

Today's Webcomic:

Skull Mob.  Issue 1.  Page 11.  www.torcpress.com.

Most of today's page is explained over on the NOTES Section on the Main Page, so I won't rehash it here.  This is a Flashback to what I like to call "TORCverse Year Zero", which is the time period before my first comic "Pulp Horrorshow" volume 1, back when the TORCverse was a Silver Age style Superhero Universe.  Before everything went wrong.

A few Rants ago, I talked about how the thing I liked most about Webcomics was the Potential Work Ethic they generate.  The other thing I really like is the Potential Dedication they generate.  What I mean by that is that it has, traditionally, been very hard for me to stay focused on a book.  I mean, I've created 100 comics, and the longest run on any book I've ever had is 16 Issues.  I get a lot of ideas, and new ideas trump old ideas, and I wander off, abandoning my old concepts in favor of what's shiny and new.  By Dedicating myself to working on HFSAC, SDF, and Skull Mob, I will hopefully put a stop to that.

The other thing that gets in my way, is when I have a bad show.  A Bad Convention tends to shake me up a little, and this year I have had the 2 Worst Conventions of my Life, C2E2 and Wizard World Chicago (maybe Chicago just doesn't like me... that may explain my yearly rejection letter from the CAKE Convention in Chicago...).  A bad convention will cause me to doubt what I'm doing.  I'll either lose interest in my current projects (assuming they are bad, due to crowd reaction), or I will get depressed and consider quitting comics entirely (a silly thought, really.  I AM COMICS).  Either way, I bad show can wreck whatever projects I'm currently working on.  But even though I suffered two of the worst defeats of my career to date this year, I am forging ahead with my Webcomics, because I have dedicated myself to them, and I've got a Schedule to keep.

And I really like having that Schedule.  It makes it more like working at the Sawmill.  Every single day I gotta get up and work at the Sawmill, regardless of how I feel or what might be wrong with me (I have a motto, "If I ain't pukin', then I'm workin'.").  That's the way I've always felt that the Comics should be like for me, but without a set schedule or quota for the week, it was hard to focus properly.  Now, with the webcomics, it's all about making sure I have a page good to go for the next day.

And I like that.

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