Saturday, October 15, 2011

MONSTER KING and the End of Gulatta

"Black Hole Palm!"

Ah. It's Saturday, so that means it's MONSTER KING time! This week we've got Pages 9-12, which can be viewed starting at

This week, we veer off course a little to tie up some loose ends. For those of you that remember it, I did this comic called "Gulatta!" a while back. It was moderately popular, and I had plans for the series, including an eventual wrap-up. Unfortunately, I just couldn't... I lost interest. I know, I suck. That's the problem with having too many ideas in my brain. If I'm not 100% into it, it's hard to keep up. Throw in the fact that I make comics alone, and I work full time in a sawmill, and excuses, excuses, excuses. You know the drill.

But one of the things that's always bothered me about the way I do things, is that I never really wrap up many of my stories the way I want to. I just kinda drop stuff and move on to the next thing. I did manage to wrap up SDF, sending the book off with a sad, poignant little ending. Anyway, I wanted to take the time to bring some of my dangling stories to some sort of conclusion. The idea I came up with was, quite simply, "What if the Skull Mob decided to destroy the Status Quo, and wipe out all of the villains I've concocted over the years?" So, that's what I did. This isn't really how Gulatta was gonna end (it's a lot more violent and a lot shorter), but it is similar.

What I think is kinda funny, now that I think about it, is how this little ending is different from how most superhero comics work. I mean, usually, the bad guy does something horrible, THEN the good guys have to thwart the plan (if there's anything left to thwart) and bring the bad guy to justice (just so he can come back and commit some other act of evil a year or two later).

In the case of the latest MK, our heroes smash into the villain well before he can complete his scheme, and the results are rather...ugly. I, personally, prefer more proactive heroes myself. That's just me.

The other handy thing about all of this, is that it's quite handily setting me up for WHAT'S NEXT. Because there's always something cooking up there.

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