Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Year in Review

With a few exceptions this was, by and large, a Rotten Year. A lot of it was the crap that went down with Ma, which I won't go into detail about here, but that pretty much sucked the life out of a good chunk of the year. Dad's luck was pretty rotten, too. I suppose that's the downside of being in a fairly close-knit family, when your family's having a bad run, it affects you as well.

On my end, my year was, quite frankly, kinda empty. If you ignore TORC Press (and don't worry, I'm not), my year basically amounts to a handful of Road Trips, the acquisition of a new car (which I am really happy about. Love the Dangermobile Mk II), I started taking yoga classes late in the year, and I had my usual bout of crazy mood swings. This was also the year I gave up Organized Religion once and for all. That sucked ass and left me with a big, fat whole in my life. I may have worked too hard this year. I spent a lot of time in the studio toiling away, cranking out comics, and isolating myself from the world. In retrospect, maybe I shoulda got out more. I dunno.

The best comic of the year was "One Piece", with honorable mentions going to "Batman and Robin", "Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne", and "Joe the Barbarian". Best Movie was "Inception" (probably won't get to see "True Grit" until next year, if I'm lucky) with honorable mentions for "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" and "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" (easily the most underrated film of the year). Best TV Show was "Bored to Death" just because it was no one else's best TV show, and because I loved every second of it. Honorable Mentions go to "Community", "Modern Family", "How I Met Your Mother" (the Street Race was Legen-wait for it-dary), "Psych", "Burn Notice", "Running Wilde" (already Cancelled, of course), and HBO's great new show "Boardwalk Empire" (further proof that Steve Buschemi rules). Oh, and when it was on "Batman the Brave and the Bold" was Awesome-awesome. Also, "Phineas and Ferb".

TORC Press had an interesting year. I think I put out 18 Comics this Year. Take a second to appreciate that, if you would. One Man. 18 Books. One Year. Not bad, right? And none of them were bad. And some of them, namely, "Death Nouveau Ep 2", and issues 3, 6, 7, and 9 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" were among the Best Damn Comix I've Ever Made Ever. Ever. I didn't just fart stuff out this year (well, okay, some of those issues of SDF: Pulp mighta been a little dicey), I worked my ass off and put out some real quality work. Hell, even my legendarily impossible to please Father actually really enjoyed "Walt n' Sped Comix" 1 (that should be a sales point: Approved by David Morris). We worked a lot of conventions this year. Some went good. Some went bad. I still couldn't find a way to make a profit, no matter how hard I tried. This was also the year where I figured out how to make my website work. That was nice, but it still didn't result in an increase in Sales or Exposure, so once again, the internet proves to be horribly overrated. Still, TORC Press was the highlight of my year.

All in all, 2010 coulda been a lot better, and it coulda been a lot worse. As it stands, I'm cautiously optimistic about 2011.

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