Wednesday, October 22, 2014

SDF 9-8

Today's Webcomic:

SDF 9/Bad Rapture 4/Page 8.

This was a crazy page to draw.  Boolah came up with that crazy tree jump bit on Panel 3, which I am a big fan of (my favorite bit is from the Thumbnails where Boolah wrote "ENVIRONMENT!" by the tree).  I changed the angle a little so there wasn't any confusion as to why Beauty's energy blast didn't blow up the tree.

The other tricky part about this page was the bottom row of Panels.  This, again, was a killer sequence, but it was kinda tricky.  The move the Puzzelor pulls off in this sequence is called a Hurricanrana (more popularly known as the Frankenstiener back in the 80s), which is one of my all time favorite Pro Wrestling moves, but is really, really hard to portray in comic book form.  I think it works though.  The third panel is also a little dicey (which is totally my bad) because Beauty is mostly Yellow and Killboy's Claws are Yellow, so they kinda blend into each other.  I like to keep my palette kinda simple and straight-forward, so that happens to me from time to time (Bro used to notice that when I first started using Color on my covers I always had at least one character whose body was the same color as the background, causing them to vanish).

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