Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Today's Webcomic:

SDF.  Issue 5.  Page 12.

If you're an Artist/Writer, and you make comics for long enough, you start to create your own personal Artistic Lexicon.  Little bits and pieces of stuff that are "yours".  Artists that don't have their own Visual Vocabulary are what I like to call Draw Monkeys, and we should all feel sorry for them, even if they do work for Marvel and make tons of money and are better known than I will ever be.

This page contains a veritable schmorgasborg of Josephisms.  Let's check em out.

1) Panel One- Sound effects used as part of the art to accentuate the art.
2) Panel One-  Comically large dust cloud used to accentuate impact and motion.
3) Panel Three/Four- Flat, single color background to emphasize the emotion of the moment.  The light yellow background is typical of action panels, while the red background emphasizes Death Moth's Rage and the imminent danger that Dr. Strangler is in.
4) Panel Three-  Blorpy Blood.  I draw Blood Blorpy.
5) Panel Five- The "RUMBLE!" Panel.  One of my most favorite tools in my weird little arsenal, the Rumble panel is where I draw the entire panel like it's vibrating in order to convey an earthquake like scenario.  I usually put the Camera overhead and pull back to a long shot for these shots, although sometimes I put the Camera on a Worm's Eye View.  Either way, it's a cool effect that implies that something very bad is about to come exploding up out of the ground.  Which seems to happen a lot in my comics.

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