Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Notes as Life Returns to Normal

Whada we got today...

I am currently working on new videos for the Dr. Orphyus Project's soon-to-be-released album, "Death Jazz". Yesterday, I completed not only the animation work for one of the videos, but we also filmed some very brief live action segments. It was a lot of fun, basically Bro poured fake blood on my head and we filmed it dripping down past my eyes. It kinda reminded me that I wouldn't mind to actually film something sometime in the future, and we actually kicked around the idea of doing a mini-horror film sometime in the future. In the meantime, I'll be diligently working away on another animated video this week. It'll be a mini-Epic that should be really cool.

Once my DOP work is done, it'll be time to put my nose to the Grindstone and bring my "Kirby Year" to its conclusion. 4 Months to Complete 9 Books. Woo.

Sometimes, you go to the Comic Shop, and you score some pretty damn awesome books. On Saturday, I picked up the final issue of "Hellboy: The Fury" and the final issue (?) of Season One of "Batman Inc", and all I can say is Frickin' Awesome. Despite the fact that the ending of Hellboy was spoiled online WEEKS ago (curse you Internets), the book was still just amazing. It was just beautiful, brilliant comics work. This particular issue was just everything comics should be, all the time. I can't gush enough. As for "Batman Inc.".... I really feel that this series is a legitimate EVOLUTIONARY LEAP for Comic Books. That's how good this comic is. It just makes everything else seem outdated and stale by comparison. Seriously, Everyone should be reading every issue of this book. Twice. While taking notes. So, yeah, good week of comics.

The Spider Bites are slowly receding. I also only mutter "Stupid Bitch" every hour or so, instead of every minute or two. So, yeah, things are returning to the Status Quo.

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