Monday, March 14, 2011

"Cosmic Love" Now Available

Woo. I'm tired. This time change nonsense can really throw a guy off.

Anyway, we've got ourselves a new book available in the online store at It's called "Cosmic Love" #1. You can find it in the store by scrolling down just past the entries for "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club". It's pretty much the same format as HFSAC, namely, it's a 24 Page, Mature Readers book in Black/White/Grey with a Color Cover for $2.50 plus $1.50 S&H. You can pick it up in the online store, or send a check or money order for the proper amount to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

Of course, I'm kinda jumpin' the gun (as usual), after all, who's gonna buy a book sight unseen, right? (Hell, knowing me, who's gonna buy the book period.) Well, there's a little preview page of the book up at It's got the cover, some hype, and a couple of pages from the book.

The problem with "Cosmic Love" is that it's kinda hard to describe. It's not a Love or Romance comic, despite the title. It's definitely Cosmic, but we only spend a little time in Space during the first issue. Uhhh. Gimme a second.

Our heroes, Cactus Joe the Clown and Pengy Penguin have been having these Odd, Cosmic Visions. The first occurred in "Monster King" #1 (now available from TORC Press) and the second was in "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" #10. Ever curious, our heroes set out to find out the source of these visions. Instead of rounding up the Fudgeheads for this mission, CJ&PP gather together a different group called the Butterfly Gang, which consists of Mike the Butcher (from Monster King #2, still available for viewing online till the end of the week), Johny Eraser- a musclebound, redneck, Bunnyman and Space Pilot, and Kikki Fortune- a female assassin. The first stop in our heroes' journey is X City on the Planet Saturn, where they go to meet up with Professor Ki-Mo, who has a rare artifact that may just give them some answers.

In addition, this issue sees the return of Cactus Joe's arch-nemesis, the Demon Zarathon (last seen mutilating Cactus Joe in "SDF: End of an Era"), and the introduction of a major new group called the Crimson Empire. There's also another Cosmic Vision.

"Cosmic Love" is me finally doing my Kirby book. It's my stab at something similar to Kirby's wild cosmic stuff that I love like "Thor" or "New Gods" or "The Eternals". But, it's not pure "Kirby as Genre" like "Godland" is. I decided to mix a David Lynchian "Surreal Noir" aspect into the mix as well. So, it's an odd book. Very odd. But it is also, in terms of art, one of the prettiest books I've ever released as well. It's worth checking out. Also, I've already completed Issue 2, and it rules, so there's that.

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