Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brain Swarm

Right-o. Added a bio entry for Bad Jack to the main site last night. It can be viewed at If the idea of an undead superhero who can slice off people's faces sounds like a good idea, then after reading the entry, feel free to swing by the TORC Press online store and pick up some copies of "SDF: Pulp". Why not?

One of the tricky parts about being a Bizarre Human Comix Machine is trying to figure out a regular publishing schedule. I have changed my publishing schedule, like, twenty times this year. I've made at least five or six rough drafts of next year's publishing schedule. The problem is that I'm constantly having an influx of new ideas, while constantly retooling and reworking old ideas, and the end result is a massive cranial traffic jam. In addition, nowadays I spend a fair amount of time intentionally trying to come up with concepts that will either attract people's attention or sell well so I can make some decent scratch. The clock is ticking away on the sawmill, and our hero desperately needs to find his way to the Promised Land or face a fate worse than death: Working full time in some crummy factory in his 40s. I can still do my wild and crazy stuff (in fact, one might argue that's what sets me apart from everyone else), I just need to find a profitable format. (A rabid, regular readership wouldn't hurt, but that's something I can't control, and if you can't control it, why bother worrying about it?)

Anyway, long story short, I had intended to finish the 9th issue of the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club by the end of the month. Unfortunately, I've been thinking about some stuff, and I've realized that if I want to complete a couple of projects within a set time frame, I'm going to need to take a little longer break from the Fudgeheads. As a result, I'm pushing the deadline on HFSAC 9 back until either October or November while I get my ducks in a row.

The good news is that HFSAC 9 will be coming out eventually. The story is written, half the pencils are done, and I've got a few pages inked. It'll start a new 3 issue story arc (that was the other reason I'm postponing the issue, I didn't want to start a new arc and then leave it dangling) that'll feature all sorts of wild new stuff.

Kirby did three major books throughout the 60s: Fantastic Four, Thor, and Captain America. If HFSAC is my FF, then what will be my Thor and Cap? Hmmmm....

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