Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 18

Today's Webcomic:

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 18.

Now that I'm working with someone, one of the more unusual roles I find myself in is the role of Editor.  Previously, when I was working on my own, Editing consisted of checking a battered Dictionary every so often to see if I spelled something right, or adding a couple of pages of Plot Exposition in the middle of the book because I was too busy winging it and was working without a script. 

But now that I'm working with an actual Script, I have to pay attention and keep track of various details, and not being a detail oriented person, this is tricky for me.  For example, when I got to this page I had the sudden realization that we never put in a scene where the trio of Angels transform into their Battleforms.  This is completely my fault, because at no point in my numerous script conferences with Boolah did I even bother to mention the need for a scene where the Angels transform (Heck, I think I mentioned that the Angels have Battleforms once, In Passing).  And even though I had Boolah write a second draft with a small handful of minor revisions, one of the aforementioned revisions that I completely forgot, was, again, the need to see the Angels' Battleforms before the actual, y'know, Battle. 

So, here we find ourselves on Page 18, and I saw an opportunity on Panel 6, so I used a hacksaw to split the panel in half to give us a nice, brief transformation sequence.  I like how the Old Lady in the Hooded Robe turns into a Big, Faceless, War Robot.  Heh.

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