Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 17

Today's Webcomic:

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 17.

I've got a lotta Notes for today's page, so let's just do this a Panel at a time.

Panel One:  Heaven is broken and conquered.  Once again, you can see Old One Eye in the background, this time in his Giant Form.  When Old One Eye first appeared waaaaaaaay back in "Watchdogs" #1, he was actually a giant demon.  I figure in certain instances he can still become Giant at will.  Also, if you look closely in the background you'll see men in Dark Grey Ortex Uniforms.  These "men" are NOT humans, nor are they Demons.  This is an important Note that will be explained two or three years from now.

Panel Two:  The Last Stand of the Matron.  It is worth mentioning at this point that the Matron has ordered the 3 Angels that we have seen in this comic to flee Heaven to serve as the eventual protectors of the Dawnchilde.  So the two Angels we see guarding the door are the only soldiers she has left.  Not good.

Panel Three:  Boolah's script called for "Midwives" to be with the Matron, but for some reason I decided to use the Cherubs from Page 12.  Not sure why.  Maybe just because they don't take up too much Panel Space.

Panel Four:  I wanted to make two things clear in this panel:  1) That the Matron needed to eject the Dawnchilde fetus from her body, even though the Dawnchilde was still not ready to be born.  And 2) That doing this killed the Matron.

Now, let's take a moment to delve into Death for Angels.  After all, Angels are already dead, so how can you kill one, right?  I've never understood the concept of killing people that are essentially Spirit Matter.  I mean, what happens?  Do they go to another afterlife?  Do they disappear forever?  If you can kill something that's an immortal spirit, then what the heck is the point of the afterlife in the first dang place?  So the idea that I had is that it is possible to destroy an Angel or a Demon, but if you do, their Essential Essence simply merges with the Ultimate Spirit Entity of the AllGod OR the Great ShadowSatan (depending on their...alignment).  I kinda hint at this back in Panel 3.

Panel Five:  Notice the SpaceRift that the Fetal Dawnchilde emerges from?  This is a ThunderDoor, a preferred method of Interdimensional travel used by Angels.  You can see a similar one in HFSAC 20.

Panel Six:  This Flashback takes place nine months ago, so you might notice that Earth is, at this point, only starting to be covered with Smog.  Notice how South America is still Green, but North America is a Dirty Brown.  Also note that the Ortex Logo doesn't cover the Earth at this moment in time.

Panel Seven:  In Boolah's layouts, he drew the Fetal Dawnchilde spirit in a manner similar to the Genesis Spirit from "Preacher", but personally I always saw it more like the Space Fetus from Jack Kirby's version of "2001", so that's how I drew it.

Panel Eight:  When I drew this panel I had to repeat to myself over and over again:  "Cheryl is not pregnant, Cheryl is not pregnant, Cheryl is not pregnant".  This is the only time to date where I've drawn Cheryl without a... ahem... Baby Bump.  So, I really had to concentrate on this Panel.  Also, notice that she's wearing kinda Hippie-ish clothes.  I hinted that Cheryl was something of a hippie back in SDF #8.

So there you go.

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