Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Instead of Talking Comics I Go on an Angry, Liberal Rant

There's a lot of things that bother me about our modern culture. For starters, we're involved in three wars, which, by my calculations, is three wars too many. It's a wee bit creepy that we're three days away from a possible Government Shut Down. We've got self proclaimed Religious guys burning other people's Holy Books. We've got Newt Gingrich running for President (again...groan) and claiming he's a Fundamentalist Christian when in truth he's a thrice divorced, cuckolding, greedy, heartless, soulless Tool of the Devil. We've got the most Disgusting Thing in the World (aka the Tea Party). We've got Fox News telling people that Teachers are "Greedy" and live "Lives of Luxury" (has anyone from Fox News ever actually met a Teacher ever? Seriously?). We've got people screaming about how this Country is supposed to be a Christian Country, and that we've gotta get right with God, but have you seen this people? I was a devout Christian for most of my life. I know the teachings of Jesus Christ, and try pretty darn hard to live up to them (I largely fail). These people that are on TV claiming to be Christians and claiming we all gotta get back to God are about as Christian as Judas Iscariot. Yeah, I said it.

We're at a point where racism shouldn't even be a damn issue in this country, and yet the second we somehow manage to elect a Black President, we get towering waves of racism sweeping across this land. It's like electing Barack Obama has given every angry, rich white guy and gal in America a license to dig out their Grandpappy's old KKK Uniform. And I'm not saying that anyone that dislikes the Obama Presidency is racist. Hell no. There's a lotta criticism you can hurl at Obama. I wish he would stick to his guns more. I wish we had Universal Health Care (Why in the F___K Don't We Have Universal Health Care?), but instead we've got the screwed up, confusing, half assed Obamacare (which, apparently, the Republicans only goal in life is to get rid of, so fat lotta good that's gonna do us).

And, ya wanna know why the Economy is in the dumper and everyone's broke and the Government's Broke. Two things: One- The Rich aren't paying their fair share of the taxes. The only people paying taxes are us Middle Class slobs. The Corporations aren't paying Jack in taxes, and neither are that mystical 1% that controls 90% of the wealth. And the Poor ain't got no damn money in the first place. So, let's do the math, shall we? If, say 70% of the people who only control 9% of the Wealth are the only people contributing to the Government, then the Government ain't gonna make just a ton of money, is it? I'm an IDIOT, and I can figure this S__T out. AND YET, all I hear from the blankety blankin' Republicans is that the only way to fix everything is to make sure that the Rich get Massive Tax Cuts. What the crap? Problem Number Two: Gas is too damn expensive. This is stupid. The Middle Class can't afford gas that's nearly $4 a gallon. If the Big Corporations (and TORC Press, who am I kidding) want us to have disposable income to buy their stuff, then we can't go spending all of our disposable income just to drive to work. We Just Can't. Fix it. Fix it. FIX IT! Oh, but we can't fix it, there's all these factors and OPEC and blahblahblah. What a wad. A handful of people are making a killing, and they don't want it to stop. That's it.

So, we're screwed, which is the other thing that bothers we about the world today. We're just screwed. You wanna be a vegetarian to try to keep all the little animals from being slaughtered? Swell. Go ahead. That's not gonna stop McDonalds from having massive factory farms full of steroid injected beef that's run through an unsanitary slaughterhouse and injected with more crap to give it flavor so they can be sold at millions of McDonalds locations through the World. You wanna Go Green. Cool. Go Green. But every time I go out on the Highway I see Hundreds of SUVs, and I'm still seeing people driving around in HUMMERS. And you don't wanna know what they're up to in China right now. You wanna be a Bleeding Heart Liberal like me? Swell. Go ahead. Talk about Universal Health Care and giving people freedom of choice and equal liberties. Go on ahead. If they can't legalize Gay Marriage in Cali-everyone's Gay over there anyway, right?-fornia, then I don't hold out hope for the rest of the Nation. And Universal Health Care? When Health Insurance Companies are boasting record profits and own most of the Government? When the Republicans are talking about Privatizing Medicare? You wanna talk about Religious Tolerance? Not when people are burning Quorans on National TV. You wanna try to tell people the Truth about Jesus? Not gonna do much good when you walk into Church, and the guy preaching is getting paid fat wads of cash for doing nothing, and he's fat as a hog, and he's wearing a fancy suit, and everything that comes out of his mouth is a crapstream of intolerance and anger and bile and lies and greed and filth.

No, we're good and screwed.

So, why bother? Why swim against the tide? If you can't beat em, join em, right?

Nah. I'm not a fan of that either. If the Greed Heads have a right to their opinion, then so do the rest of us. If the Greed Heads have a right to drag Religion through the mud and send people to war for Profit and have a right to deny people Health Care and to deny people the right to equal Marriage Rights, then the rest of us have a right to stand how we wanna stand as well. I have a right to yammer out this Liberal crap on this blog. You've got a right to be Green if you wanna be, or not so Green if you don't (by the by, I'm not even remotely Green. I work in a Sawmill.). If you're Gay (and I'm not, by the by, but more power to em), and you wanna get Married (and I can't say I blame em. I hate being alone), then stand up for it. The Greed Heads aren't the only people who have Freedom of Speech and Expression. Even if the Nation/Planet's going down the Crapper, we've all still got the same First Amendment Rights. So there's that at least.

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