Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"The Clown & Tea Cup Show" is...

It's a story about me and my brother. It's about us on the road. It's about the silly stuff we talk about. It's about the odd adventures we've had.


It's a part of the Ballad of Clown and Penguin. It's about the continuing adventures of Cactus Joe and Pengy Penguin, but then we throw Broken Tea Cup into the mix, and aliceislost pops up, and there's a cameo by King Smooth, and there's an Iggy Iguana strip that plays a part. It's another piece of the massive puzzle I'm putting together.


It's an experimental comic. I'm toying with story telling. Seeing what I can try, what I can get away with, what works, what doesn't, and then doing stuff that doesn't work anyway, just because. I'm also experimenting with my artwork. I'm really experimenting with everything. So, it's an experimental book.

A wee bit.

It's me spitting on Corporate America. It's my absurdist Rant about everything that I think is wrong with our Factory Culture.


It's "The Clown & Tea Cup Show". It's beautiful, staggering chaos in a world of boring stupidity and order. You should read it. Why not? Info at

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