Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #3 Now Available!

So, if you're not into the whole Patreon Subscription Thingie, you can still buy cool comics directly from the TORC Press Online Store at  Right now, The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club (v2) #3 is available in the Online Store.  It's just been added, and it's way cool.  Here's the Explosive Cover:

So, what's it about?  Well, Null Vizor, the evil nihilist that was last seen laying waste to the 8th Dimension in HFSAC (v1) #24, has used a dark ritual to create a monstrous Armageddon Titan.  This towering horror feeds on death and destruction, and once it is fully grown it will have the power to destroy entire planets.  Needless to say, our Hot Fudge Heroes (and pretty much everyone else) have to dive in and do battle to bring the Titan down!

This issue is my rather blatant homage to Tom Scioli's "Transformers vs. GIJoe", as it is very fast paced, very plot driven, completely crazy, and loaded to the brim with character cameos.  Just about everyone from the new TORC Press Era can be found in this issue, from the full HFSAC roster to the Waterbearers to the Order of the Eye to Zarathon, and even brand new characters like Butterfly and Tsao.  It's an issue I'm really proud of.

Here's some Images:

Heh.  I like that one.  Here's another.

Crazy, right?

Anyway, it's HFSAC #3, it's 24 Pages in Full Color, and it's $4 plus $1.50 S&H.

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