Monday, November 10, 2014

SDF 9-21

Before we get started, a few odds and ends to sort out.

There's nothing new on the Patreon this morning.  New stuff on the Patreon will either go up tonight after I get home from the Mill, or tomorrow morning.

Second up, I did complete my 24 Hour Comic.  It's solid and got some cool moments.  It's actually HFSAC 24, so it won't be up for viewing until after Bad Rapture concludes.  My 24 Hour Comic Day Shout Outs go out to:

Comic Quest in Evansville, IN, the Best Darn Comic Shop on the Planet, for hosting the even and giving us a bunch of tables to work with.  You guys are the bestest.

My Co-Writer and Pal Scott Bayler for rolling with me to 24 hour Day and making sure we got home okay.  He wrote and drew the 10 page "SDF #0" comic during that time (which will also be available after Bad Rapture Concludes) and banked some script pages for the Bad Rapture Conclusion.  The dude had a very productive night.

Clint Bassinger and his fiance, Lindsey Whittle.  Clint, as always, was my fellow 24 Hour Warrior, who spent the night working on and completing his new comic "Skull Spy" (the name alone makes me want a copy), while Lindsey not only spent time documenting Clint's work, she also ran errands for everyone all day and was a lot of help.

And lastly, a shout out goes out to the various members of the CQCA that popped by either working for awhile or just offering words of encouragement, including Josh Hicks, Big Bad T, John Sergesketter, the Young Family, Nathan Gerten, and the Straw Man David Branstetter.

Anyway, on with the Comicness:

SDF 9/Bad Rapture 4/Page 21.

We started with... I don't know... a LOT of Heroes, and now we've only got one left.  That's not good.

Oh, side note, nobody's dead on this page.  They're all just unconscious.  Pengy and Tei are Cocooning Up, cause that's what injured members of HFSAC do.

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