Saturday, June 8, 2013

Truth or Consequences 100


You know what that sound is?  That's the sound of accomplishment.  That's the sound of me completing my 100th comic and putting it in my online store so a couple of people can buy it.  That's the sound of me exhaling before I plunge madly into What's Next.

Anyway, it's time to do my hype thingie.  "Truth or Consequences 100" is the 100th comic from TORC Press.  It's 36 Pages in bizarre, not even sure if it works, Full Color.  It's self contained.  It's $6.00 plus $2.00 S&H.  You can check out a preview at:  Or you can buy it in the online store at:  Or you can send a check or money order for 8 bucks to:  TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

What's it about?  Welp, there's some bad mojo on the planet Neptune.  Cactus Joe the Clown, Pengy Penguin, Tea Cup, Death Moth, Octopus Jones, and other heroes are drawn to the blue and green planet to confront the horrors within.  Also, everyone goes Bowling.  It's Pure TORC Press.  It's pretty killer.

That's what's up with me.  How are you doing?

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