Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Art of 100

For my 100th comic you would think I would play things safe and create the art the same way I create the art for my other comix.  But, I'm me, so I figure why not experiment, why not?

The basics of the Art remained the same.  I penciled fast and loose and light, and I did most of the actual work in the Inking stage (which is bass-ackwards, by the by).  Next, I went through with a brush and added some heavier inks to most of the pages, to give it a little more of that 70s Kirby Blorpiness that I love.  After that, I did something that I started doing in the pages of "Death Moth", namely, I would do a little shading with just a mechanical pencil.  It's a weird technique, and I'm not sure if it works, but I'm currently experimenting with it, so what the hell.

Next up, if there's any "Special Effects" on the page:  Fire, Smoke, Lightning, or Death Rays, mostly, I would paint them in using Acrylic Paints, a trick I started using in "Clown & Penguin".  After that dried, I would then use Colored Inks and a Brush to hand color all of the Central characters on the page, something I started doing in "Truth or Consequences Zer0".  That's right, the whole book is kinda-sorta hand colored by ME.  Finally, I scanned the whole thing into the computer and finished coloring everything else in Photoshop.

It was a crazy (and slow) process, and the end result is a book that doesn't look like anything else out there in the Comics World.  At first, I honestly wasn't sure it worked, but the more I look at it, the more I love it.

If you wanna support my particular brand of Mad Comix Science, head over to www.torcpress.com and score a copy of my 100th comic, "Truth or Consequences 100".  I guarantee you've never seen anything like it before.

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