Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Early Convention Schedule


I'm starting to feel it again, baby. After I wrapped up the 24 Challenge, it was like all the air went right out of me. The Convention Season was over, the Challenge was over, and all I had left was my misery from the last year, welling up from inside and choking me out like a jobber in a UFC match. I limped through December, and with the first month of the New (and possibly Last...bumbubum...)Year already half empty, I have been in a funk of a funk. But getting out on the road and hitting Murfreesboro and talking to people and selling some books has started to get the gears a turnin'. The blood a pumpin'. To steal a line from Duran Duran, I'm Hungry Like the Wolf.

Right now I am slowly regaining momentum on "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" #16. I am also working on a brand new video for The Dr. Orphyus Project for the song "Zach" off of the killer album "Death Jazz" (http://www.thedrorphyusproject.com/). In the meantime, I've got some irons in the fire on some other stuff I can't talk about yet, and I'm trying to get my taxes done as early as possible. One of the other things I'm a doin' is trying to shore up my 2012 Convention Schedule. So, here we go:

March 10-11: Metropolis Comicon- Metropolis, IL-- I'm finally gonna get to work a show in the Home of Superman! Nice! After taking a break for my Birthday Month, it will nice to work a show that's only a three hour drive away in my home state.

April 21-22: SPACE- Columbus, OH-- My favorite show of the year. I love SPACE, and always feel it is a criminally underrated show.

May 5: Free Comic Book Day- Comic Quest in Evansville, IN-- I always enjoy this mini-convention hosted by the excellent Comic Quest over in E-ville. The group I'm in, the Comic Quest Creator's Alliance, is making plans to go all out this year. Should be fun.

May 19-20: MCBA SpringCon- St. Paul, MN-- It's a long drive (my longest of the year), but a nice show nonetheless. Also, free steak!

June 30: Derby City Comicon- Louisville, KY-- A quick three hour drive and a one day show means that I don't gotta pay for a hotel room. Snazzy!

I already figure July is dead for me. Moving on...

August 9-12: Wizard World Chicago- Rosemont, IL-- I haven't paid for this show yet, but I probably will before the end of February. Technically, this is my biggest show of the year.

Nothing in September so far.

October 6-7: Nashville Comic and Horrorfest- Nashville, TN-- I haven't paid for this one either, but it's pretty much a no brainer. I've been going to this show for years, and I always do nicely at it. Plus, I get to hang out with my cousins.

Unless I find something for November, that's probably where my Calender year will end. That puts me at 8 shows this year (counting Murfreesboro). I might add a couple more to the mix later (I'm still waiting to hear back from one show...). If anyone out there is reading this blog and would like TORC Press to appear at a Convention or Event, please feel free to contact me about it.

1 comment:

  1. there is a pretty large one day convention in fort wayne indiana the week before the mcba springcon in minnesota. its called summit city con i beleive. dont know if they are full up but it might be worth trying it. cant wait to see the new stuff
