Aaaaand Today's Webcomic:
The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23/ Bad Rapture Chapter 2. Page 19.
So, I had no internet yesterday morning before work due to a rather nasty thunderstorm. Then, after I got off work, I had to race to Olney for my allergy shot, as well as to pick up Boolah so we could race over to Indiana to pick up Tom Scioli's "Transformers vs. GIJoe" #1, because although I may not care about those particular toy franchises all that much, I'll follow Tom Scioli to the ends of the earth if need be.
Anyway, Page 18 is the Destruction of the Clown's Hammer, Mr. Happy. Since this is a Big Event Comic, BIG things have to happen. There's already been some character deaths (and make no mistake, we're getting pretty Game of Thrones with this thing, so brace for more), and there needed to be something pretty significant happen in this issue. So, the Clown's Giant Cosmic Hammer gets shattered. On the one hand, this is unfortunate, because it was cool and kinda iconic. On the other hand, it was a giant pain in the butt to draw. So, I don't think I'll miss it too much.
Page 19 is where Boolah's version of the story and my version of the story smashed into each other and created something pretty cool. In my version of the story, the entire fight takes place in the woods, and El Exclamation Point 2 is simply lurking the forest nearby. In Boolah's (much better) version, the fight takes place on the moon, which left us with the conundrum, how does Darlene Munroe/EEP2 get involved? Boolah came up with the idea that she sees the Explosion of Mr. Happy on Earth, and flies into the fray in her space suit (the space suit also being Boolah's idea, and a really good one at that). So that's how we get this page, which I really like because the colors look cool to me for some reason.
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