Friday, July 18, 2014

HFSAC 23-15

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23/ Bad Rapture Chapter 2.  Page 15.

So, the way me & Boolah have been collaborating on Bad Rapture works like this:  We hang out and map out the general plot and go over what we want to have happen on each individual page, figuring out the general shape of the story.  Then Boolah goes off and works up a Full Script and Thumbnails/Layouts, which he sends to me, then I do the Artsy Fartsy stuff.  But with HFSAC 23, there were a handful of pages that I wanted to write exclusively, and this is one of them.  It's hard to explain why... maybe these pages were just kinda personal, I suppose.

In the real world, I just tend to panic in a moment of crisis.  Once I calm down a smidge I'm usually okay.  In the comic world, I can at least make my character a little more heroic and functional, although it's worth mentioning that the Clown's reaction to Tea Cup getting Can Openered is to just go berzerk and keep blasting the bad guy. 

If you're reading this blog, then you probably know that the character of Tea Cup is based on my brother Ryan (if for some reason you don't know this, then that means you're not a close friend or family member, or you haven't been a really long time fan of my work, in which case, thank you for hanging out and reading my comix.  I appreciate it.  Of course, I appreciate my family and friends and longtime readers too.  Everyone reading the blog is awesome sauce)  (Did I just say awesome sauce?).  My brother may look like a giant, scary red haired viking, but he's actually the nicest, most helpful guy you'll ever meet.  Bro would give a person the shirt off his back if he thought it would help then out, and that's where this page came from.  If he was a robot, he wouldn't hesitate to rip part of the Self Repair Circuitry out of the gaping wound in his chest if he thought he could use it to repair a friend.

Lastly, the words "Proteus Platypus" are a bit of a hint about an upcoming story arc.  If anyone can tell me the one comic that Proteus Platypus appeared in, then you can officially win a TORC Press NOT PRIZE!  Boolah, you're disqualified.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. It's worth noting that Ryan would also give anyone the shirt off his back during the summertime just to get it off of his body. This usually only happens at home, of course, but you never know.

    Also, I totally "eeped" out loud when I read the last panel of the last page and was relieved to see Tea Cup was all right (so to speak) on this one. See, this is why I'm glad I waited a bit to start reading these; waiting would have been torturous!
