Thursday, July 17, 2014

HFSAC 23-14

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23/ Bad Rapture Chapter 2.  Page 14.

One of the things I like about working with a partner is that occasionally you get an interesting challenge thrown at you.  Today's page, for example, is a 10 panel page, which, in general, is not something I've done in awhile.  Typically, I don't usually go over 9 panels on a page, and a 9 panel page is typically reserved for a page involving a lot of dialogue and close ups of people's faces.  This page on the other hand, is a full on action sequence.  And it turned out to be a lot of fun, so it was cool that I got the opportunity to try it.

Other than that, the line "Nice and Smooth" is a reference to King Mob from Grant Morrison's "Invisibles" (Ha!  Betcha thought I wouldn't remember, did ya, Boolah?), while "Put On Your Pants, It's Time to Dance!" is, in fact, one of my more common catch phrases, which I stole from an episode of "The Amazing Race" of all places.

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