Monday, May 4, 2015

She's Got a Magma Sword

Me:  So, I'm pretty excited, I'm coming up on Wildcard Week.

Bro:  Sigh.  Should I even ask what Wildcard Week is?

Me:  Well, I've been doing these Wildcard Pages, which are kinda related to the main HFSAC Universe, but not related to the actual story going on in HFSAC.  It's my way of expanding my little universe a little.  Anyway, one Wildcard Page goes up every Thursday, but during Wildcard Week I put one up every day in addition to my usual pages.

Bro:  Why would you do that to yourself?

Me:  Ah, you know me.  I'm crazy.

HFSAC:  Mars Page 3.

The lady on this page is named Achile.  You can pronounce it ah-kill-ee or ah-chill-ee.  I like either.  It's obviously a take on Achilles, the almost invincible warrior from the Iliad, because again, this is a comic about Gods and Legends.  She is themed a little after Thundarr the Barbarian (this entire strip was something of a homage to Thundarr) and the Reject from Kirby's Eternals.  Achile's weapon is called a Magma Sword, which was inspired by a comment by my friend Mark Griffin.  I like the idea of a sword that somehow drips Magma.  That's crazy.

What in the living heck is that Chicken/Lizard/Horse/Squid thing?  Seriously, what the heck?

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