Friday, May 8, 2015

Joker's Wild!

We've done all of the Four Suits (Suites?), but Deuces aren't the only Wildcards in a Deck.  That's right baby.  JOKER'S WILD!

HFSAC:  Joker's Wild Page 1.

Life is Hard.  A lot of it sucks.  You work a merciless, crappy job for lackluster pay.  You watch or read the news and the whole world is going to hell in a handbag.  People can be stupid and cruel and vicious and mean and ugly, and it just drives you nuts.  But there's some times when it's all worthwhile.  Meeting the woman of your dreams (hey Mei!).  A nice drive on your favorite stretch of road. A song you really enjoy on the radio.  Tacos.  Crazy weird cartoons.  A fast paced wrestling match where someone does a crazy out-of-the-ring dive.  Truly bad movies.

And then there's these pages I've been doing lately.  I love these crazy, weird, cosmic pages.  I love drawing my characters floating weightlessly in space.  I love those pulsating bands of cosmic energy.  I love the interplay of the blacks with the bright colors.  I know I'm not the best artist, and I know I'm aping Jack Kirby.  But, man, I don't care.  I'm a happy dude.

Other than that, I like the idea that the members of HFSAC kinda run around on their own between missions.  As stated in the header, this story takes place after HFSAC v.2 #1.  I know, in theory this defuses the situation a little, since we know that Cactus Joe, Pengy Penguin, and Tei Harlequin survive HFSAC #1.  But come on, it's not like we didn't already know that was gonna happen.

In addition, I'd like to take a moment to point out that Our Heroes are investigating a destroyed Starship on this page, while over in HFSAC: Duece of Clubs, Tsao crashlands on Jupiter in an escape pod.  Coincidence?  Well, I probably wouldn't bother mentioning it if it was, now would I?

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