Friday, February 13, 2015

TORC Press Era 4 Ends

At least I think I'm on Era 4.  Hard to keep track.  Anyway, let's wrap this puppy up.


SDF 10-25.

That Concludes SDF Vol. 1.  Sad ending.  Yeesh.

Skull Mob?

Skull Mob 6-25.

And that's the end of Skull Mob.  It's weird, that this book was unable to beat the dreaded 6 Issue Curse.  It was a popular book, by my rather lopsided standards.  It did well at Cons, probably because it was all dark and mysterious and had the word Skull in the title.  I did have a long term plan for the book (originally it was gonna go 100 isuues.  Heh.).  Skull Mob was the down and dirty book with the cast full of expendable characters.  It was the "No One Is Safe" book.  Y'know how I was talking about how in some of the drafts for HFSAC I created a Cast of 40 characters for the book?  Well, I pretty much had a similar plan with Skull Mob, building a massive roster of close to 40 characters for that book as well.  The cast would always be in rotation, because some characters would get killed off and then replaced, and then sometimes come back from the dead, and all that fun stuff.

Eh.  Add it to the Library of Comics I've dreamed up that won't leave my Brain.

Now, the Death Moth is moving on to the Cast of the New SDF, which will be starting soon.  The new gang, at least, initially, will consist of Secret Soldier, Death Moth, Doom Eagle, Octopus Jones, Aliceislost, and the Chupacabra.  From this point on, SDF is all Boolah's, and in fact the Zero Issue was written and drawn by him alone.  It's gonna be cool.

Speaking of the Zero Issues, those start in two weeks on Monday, February 23rd.  We'll be running a Page each of HFSAC and SDF Monday through Thursday until they're all wrapped up.


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