Monday, February 23, 2015

The Zero Issues Begin

Aaaaaaand we're back.

I decided to do a couple of Zero Issues to serve as a nice jumping on point for new readers.  

We shall begin with HFSAC this time out.

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club volume 2 Issue 0 Page 1.

So, Earth is Apocalypse now.  Yep.  I'm not even trying to not be blatant about it.  To me, this is Corporate America gone berzerk.  I always thought Kirby's Fire Pits were utterly brilliant.  I mean, if you think about, if you could burrow down deep below the Earth and harvest the Raw Power of the Planet Itself, even if it was horribly shortsighted and destructive to the environment, do you think Corporate America would even hesitate to do it?  Yeah.  Exactly.  The Dome over the Planet was Boolah's idea (Originally you could see the Massive Buildings from space), as a way to make it look just a little less like Apocalypse.  Anyway, the whole point is, Earth ain't Earth anymore.  It is irrevocably lost.

Side Note:  Not only has Ortex built some kind of Tower on the Moon (even I don't know what that's for), but if you look closely, you can still see the Massive Crack in the Moon's surface where Mister Happy shattered during Bad Rapture.

Moving on, back in... October?  November?  I did 24 Hour Comic Day, and I asked Boolah if he wanted to come along and make a comic.  He was, like, Cool.  He wasn't sure what to do, so I told him about the idea I had for the Zero Issues, and invited him to do SDF #0.  He was, like, Cool.  Boolah decided to do a 10 Page Comic, but it's worth mentioning that he did it in 10 Hours.  Anyway, here's SDF #0, Story and Art by Scott Bayler.  Colors by Me.

SDF vol. 2 Issue 0 Page 1.

And, since I had nothing to do with this issue, I invited Boolah to do the Commentary, so without further ado:

It's usually about 6am on the toilet when i'm sitting here reading these commentaries that Joseph does on his book, but since I actually wrote and DREW this comic, I was invited to do the commentary myself. This is my first comic drawn since I thiiiiink about 1998 or so. My drawing skills are marginal (as you will see in the upcoming pages) combined with the fact that this is a 24 hr comic book, which is 24 pages in 24 hours. I managed like ten.

What I tried for in the opening page was the heartfelt emotion of Jonar losing his beloved. If you read the first volume and/or Bad Rapture, you would have watched how Cheryl passed away giving birth to the Dawnchilde. So here we have Jonar at the crude grave, doubled over in emotion. Poor guy. An old Grant Morrison technique was to hook the reader on page one using the splash page so that's where I came up with this. Plus, splash pages are easy to design. Design wasn't the key that day I did all this. Most of my scripts are hashed out and re-hashed out over a couple of days. I farted the crib notes out to this one from 10:05 to 10:06am.

I haven't viewed the final page hopefully colored and cleaned up (doctored up, hopefully). I always like the style Joseph had with the darker lined silhouettes of the characters he drew on SDF and that crazily translates to my style. We did a poster of four SDFers last year (BUY ONE!!!) that I liked a lot set to my pencils and his inks. Who knows, I may do a cover here or there of the upcoming series.

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