Monday, October 20, 2014

SDF 9-6

First off, thanks to everyone that came out and supported TORC Press at Shocktobercon!  We had a good show, and as always, we appreciate people coming out and giving us a shot.  Thanks!

TORCTOBER continues this weekend at the Best Darn Comic Shop on the Planet, Comic Quest, in Evansville, IN for their annual Halloweenfest Event.  Come out to the shop, meet some cool comic creators, and, um, do other stuff.  I'm not really sure what all they have planned.

Over on the Patreon site at we've got a couple of new comic pages for Patreon subscribers:

Hot Fudge Pulp Page 7:  I do one of those increasingly rare for me, Brian Michael Bendis style pages where everyone sits around a conference table and yammers at each other.  It's actually a Flashback to the last days of the Original Skull Mob, shortly before the Infamous Battle of Ortex Tower.  Besides featuring old school Halloween M@n, there's cameos by the original El Exclamation Point!, King Dark, Cosmico Rex (who only had a couple of appearances before he died), Johm Smythe (who only appeared in, like, 2 stories, I think), and Akuma Boy just before he turned traitor.  It's a cool page from a historical viewpoint, although it's really just a buncha people sitting around talking.

Clown & Penguin Zer0 Page 8:  Now that I have the introductory pages out of the way, this comic is actually my 24 Hour Comic from a few years ago that I never published.  It's basically Cactus Joe the Clown vs. the Deathbringer.

Anyway, on to today's page:

SDF 9/Bad Rapture 4/Page 6.

Jeez, where to start.

First off, I wanna remind everyone that I have a writing partner on this series, Scott "Boolah" Bayler.  Not only has been taking my incoherent ramblings and turning out some really cool scripts with them, but he's also been doing the Thumbnails/Layouts for all the comics.  So that cool panel in the middle is all Boolah.  I think my only contribution is the various poses the Puzzelor ends up in.

Also, it's interesting that Boolah remembered that Killboy can stretch his arms out like that in Panel 4.  I forgot he had that ability. 

Other than that, any time I can draw someone Jump Kicking someone else, I am a happy man.

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