Friday, March 11, 2016


So, we got dark this morning, and that made me uncomfortable, because I don't really do dark anymore.  But it's Seven Worlds Week, and my dark side had to come out, so there's that.  And it's time to wrap up Seven Worlds Week, so let's bring out the Brightest, Shiniest, Dumbest, Most Pointless, Most Awesomest World of them all.  I know you've all been waiting for this, and so I give you the Unrepentant StupiAwesomeness that is


Ahhhhh!  That felt good.  There's a monkey with a tornado coming out of its head.  That's so nice.

Anyway, the concept behind Ultra Dolphin World is that video games used to be so weird.  I mean, all of those old games were so trippy, y'know?  Why were ghosts chasing Pac-Man?  Why did Pac-Man have to eat those dots?  What the heck was going on with the Mushroom Kingdom, and why were two Plumbers the only people who could save the day?  They were all so weird and colorful and full of character.  The graphics may have been primitive, and the difficulty level may have been borderline impossible, but the sheer amount of inherent possibility in those old 8 Bit Games was amazing. 

Anyway, anyway, the idea is that, way back in the 80s, there was a bizarre video game no one remembers called "Ultra Dolphin Bros".  TORC Press, desperate for readership and realizing the appeal of licensed properties, purchases the Comic Book Rights to this game that makes absolutely no sense.  The higher ups at TORC Press then forced Joseph Morris to try to cobble together a comic about this video game.  And so we have Walking, Talking Dophins and Monkeys with Clouds on their Heads.  Oh it's so stupid.  Oh it's so wonderful.

Anyway, things are getting absolutely crazy, and I need to get ready for SPACE in a few weeks, so I probably won't post a lot next week.  If I get a chance, I'll hopefully drop a couple of Quixote Coyote strips.  I really enjoyed Seven Worlds Week.  It was a lot of fun.

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