Alright. Not feeling very strutty right now. Give me a second.
Alright. Gotta find my strut.
Wait. Wait. I think.... maybe...
There it is.
IT'S TORCTOBER 2015, Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm a little late getting going, but things have been crazy lately. Anyway, for those of you that don't know (which is probably just about everybody), October marks the anniversary of TORC Press, and this year we are 16 years old. That's right, baby, TORC Press can legally drive! Someone get my Comic Book Company its car keys, cause we're going out for a drive!
Ahem. Okay. So, uh, TORC Press needs some more driving lessons. It's okay. We had insurance. It's cool.
Anyway, as I've mumbled in previous posts, things have been crazy lately. I've fallen behind on my TORC Press work, which, to be honest, has been kinda driving me crazy. And the Sawmill has been a beast lately. I was supposed to get a week off two weeks ago, but a family situation prevented me from taking the time off. I worked last week, which was a HUUUUGE mistake because I am burnt the freak out. So, I'm taking this week off. It's just me, my comics, and tacos. Needless to say I'm looking forward to it.
So, what can I say about the last 16 years? For the most part it's been really cool. I've made some cool comics, and I've met some really great people. There's not been a lot of financial success, and sometimes that's been rough on me (oh, and the two or three terrible reviews of my comics online always mess me up because I'm a leetle girl that can't take criticism). But overall, the Good has far outweighed the Bad.
As the new TORC Press year starts, here's what I'm up to:
1) I'm gonna try some new, non-TORCverse stuff. This will serve a few purposes. It will let me branch out and try some new stuff, it will let me fill the requirement for my 8 Pager in my Patreon Pack, and I can use any material as a potential submission packet for other publishers (yeah, I know, there's no way anyone is going to hire me to do stuff, but whatever). Anyway, when this stuff starts coming out, I'm gonna approach it as Done-In-One Material, unless there's an active audience for it. So, if anyone out there digs the new stuff, let me know. (It'll be a few months before any of this starts, so there you go)
2) I didn't get to do a 24 Hour Comic a couple of weeks ago, so I'm gonna do that this week. Always fun.
3) I need to do more with the Patreon. I've been having trouble with that website here lately, and it's made me a little reluctant. I like the Patreon, and I like the idea of it, so I just need to take the time to work with the site.
Before I sign off and get back to work, I wanna take a second to thank everybody that's supported TORC Press over the years. Without all of the cool people that taken a chance on my crazy comics over the years, there would be no TORC Press, so I thank all you fine folks for that.
Anyway, links:
Monday, October 5, 2015
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