Thursday, March 5, 2015

Our Heroes

Just about there.  Let's Roll.


The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club v.2 #0 Page 9.

Back in HFSAC 24 we did a whole lengthy thing on each individual member of HFSAC, so for today's blog, we're gonna do 3 Fun Facts or Pointless Bits of Info on each of our HFSAC Heroes.

Cactus Joe the Clown:
1) The Clown loves Tacos (yeah, okay, not much of a revelation.  Wait till we get to some of the new guys).
2) The Clown tends to Laugh uncontrollably during battle.
3) The Clown's favorite comic right now is Swirling Forever by Impossible Comix.  His all time favorite video game is Super Hat Bros.  His all time favorite movie is The Wolves Eyes Are Orange by Robert Wolfshire.

Pengy Penguin:
1) Despite having awesome psychic powers, Pengy is still mute and still communicates by Flapping his wings.
2) Pengy is the only member of HFSAC who can send messages to OMNICHRONUS (we've seen it a few times).  He can create Energy Butterflies with embedded messages which travel at several times the speed of light (despite looking like they're leisurely flapping) directly to Big O.
3)  Pengy's the best dancer in all of reality.

Tei Harlequin:
1) I've been told she's wearing a skort.  This is important, in case Tei kicks high.
2) The item Tei is carrying in her hand on this page is a Fornever Cube, which is a device we saw briefly waaaaay back in Cosmic Love #1.  It's pretty much a Mother Box (a sentient super computer), except that it was built by OMNICHRONUS and it's powered by 9th Dimensional Energies.  All the members of HFSAC have one hidden/imbedded in their bodies somewhere.  Tei is notable in that she has two Cubes.  They are embedded in those big Orb things connected to her hair.
3)  Tei is the most organized member of HFSAC.  She likes to have a plan, which is problematic in a group as chaotic as HFSAC.

Tea Cup:
1) Tea Cup still performs and records music.  He regularly performs on several clubs on Jupiter and the surrounding moons.
2)  Tea Cup and Electric Cherry have been dating for quite awhile.  It's going quite well.
3)  Tea Cup's favorite beer is whatever is free and cold.  His second favorite beer is Bapst Red Ribbon.

Electric Cherry:
1) The ladies of HFSAC are pretty much universally smarter than the men.  Electric Cherry is the smartest of the three ladies.
2) Electric Cherry has a daughter named Serenity from a previous relationship with a Shadow Spirit.  Serenity is going through a phase where she's an elephant.
3) Electric Cherry's Thunder Shield draws energy attacks to it.  The Shield stores this energy, which can be released in a devastating Sonic Burst.

1) @byss can't talk.  Words can't escape his gravitational pull.
2) Even though it's difficult to tell what's going on in @byss's head, he has unwavering loyalty to OMNICHRONUS and to HFSAC.
3) Inexplicably, @byss is really, really good at video games.  I mean, seriously good.

Jester Kidd:
1) Jester comes from a planet two solar systems over.  His planet was destroyed by an Armageddon Titan, and he is the sole survivor.  That goes a long way to explain his rather grim disposition, let alone his hatred for Armageddon Titans and Nullaphons.
2) Jester is a trained, experienced soldier.  He's only one of two members of HFSAC with Military Experience.
3) Jester is the most abrasive and unfriendly member of HFSAC, so as a result he hasn't really forged too many friends within the group yet.  Despite this, he's developed a sort of mutual respect with Shiv and Cosmic Fool.  Despite doing absolutely nothing to encourage it, Phantasmo Rex hangs out with Jester a lot.  Jester has no idea why.

1) Shiv is a native of a small planetoid in orbit around Jupiter.  Her race was wiped out Uranian Raiders, so much like Jester Kidd, she is the last of her kind.  Unlike Jester, she bears absolutely no grudge against the populace of Uranus.  Holding grudges and seeking vengeance isn't her way.
2) Again, much like Jester, Shiv is a trained soldier.  She seeks to constantly hone her skills and trains on a regular basis, either with Jester or with Combat Drones built for her by Tea Cup.
3) Shiv may be a very serious person, but unlike Jester, she is not closed off or morose.  She actually enjoys being around the fun loving Fudgeheads.

Mister Halloween:
1) Mister Halloween is the friendliest member of HFSAC.  Long before he joined HFSAC he was friends with the Clown, Pengy Penguin, and Tea Cup.  Since joining up, he's managed to develop close friendships with pretty much the whole team (except, of course, Jester Kidd, who remains standoffish).  He's even managed to bond with Sphynx (over tacos) and @byss (over video games).
2) Mister Halloween and Phantasmo Rex have quickly developed a friendly rivalry.  They hang out a lot and compete against each other at cards, video games, and smashing Ortex.  Their rivalry also extends to the fact that both of them have a crush on Shiv.
3) Mister Halloween bears the distinction of being the only member of HFSAC who has been a Demon and an Angel at different points in his life.  (Cactus Joe is a Demon/Angel Hybrid, but only through Medical Experimentation)

Cosmic Fool:
1) When he originally appeared, the Cosmic Fool was a golden guy who rode around on a giant space Manta Ray.  When the Fool evolved into his current form, he and the Space Manta merged into one being.  In case you were wondering what happened there.
2) The Cosmic Fool is the oldest member of HFSAC.  He's quite literally millions of years old.
3)  That chair that the Cosmic Fool flies around on is called the Manta Emperor.  In "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Adventure Comix" #1, the Manta Emperor appears as a Spaceship, but now it's a big chair which is obviously a nod to Metron's Mobius Chair.  Although much of the Manta Emperor is composed of advanced technology, part of the Chair is composed of the Fool's own biology.  As a result, the Emperor is an extension of the Fool's own body, and also possesses the Fool's Adapto Power.  The Fool's Fornever Cube is embedded in the Manta Emperor.

Phantasmo Rex:
1) Phantasmo Rex's older brother was Cosmico Rex, who was killed by Akuma Boy.  Even though Phantasmo is a pretty fun loving guy, he really wants a piece of Akuma Boy's hide.
 2) Phantasmo thinks he's a ladies man.  He hits on pretty much any female that gets near him, and he's got a blatant crush on Shiv.  Now, whether the ladies feel the same way about him...
3) Rex is kind of the comic relief of the new team.  He's definitely the silliest member of the team, which, again, is saying something.

1) Sphynx tends to speak with weird pauses.  Before he disintegrates an enemy with Destroyo, he typically will ask them a riddle.
2) Sphynx's favorite leisure time activity is meditation.
3) There is some sort of unspoken connection between Sphynx and @byss.

Let's see what Boolah's got for us today in SDF:

SDF v.2 #0-9.

I know one of the things Joseph studies art-wise is structure of pencilling and whatnot. One of the biggest things I study as a reader is panel layout and the way it can tell a story. This is a semi-splash page with a major action happening with smaller windows at the bottom of the page using reactions from Death Moth's teammates. I know I'm a Hickman mark with his dialouge and ideas, but he seems to do this well in his page layouts.

This is the page I'm most pleased with. Joseph did a great job on the coloring of the attack on the soldiers and the shading on the silhouettes after they've been zappoed.

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