When I started this comic book thing, I just wanted to make comix. Yeah, it would have been neat to make money and get famous and whatnot, but that was never the goal. The goal was to make comix. Eventually, I got out there, did Conventions, tried different stuff, and I made some scratch here and there, spent lots more scratch, and picked up a very small but incredibly loyal fan base (thanks guys! You're the best!). Time has passed and things have changed. For the first time in my life I've got a for-realsies future and a fiancee (hey babe!) and all of that stuff. I have to start making TORC Press work a little better. I'm not talking about being all rich and famous, I know that nonsense ain't happening. I just want TORC Press to break even or even make a leetle profit. Try to expand the fan base, create revenue streams, that sorta nonsense. Anyway, long story short, I'm gonna try new stuff for awhile. Maybe some of it will work, maybe none of it. Who knows? If you're a long time TORC Press Reader, feel free to tag along, but don't feel obligated. The goal isn't to fleece my existing Readers, but to try to attract new readers. And fleece them. Bwahahahaaha!
Just kidding.
Anyway, in the Not A New Plan, but a New Thing Department, we've got a new comic in the TORC Press Online store at
http://www.torcpress.com/store/. It's Bad Rapture Omega, the final chapter of the Bad Rapture saga. It's 24 Pages in Full Color, and features the Earth Shattering conclusion as Cactus Joe, Death Moth, and Octopus Jones are all that stands between the evil Vertionce and his goal of killing the Dawnchilde. Here's the Cover:
It's $4.00 plus $1.50 S&H by the by.
Now, on to the New Things I'm Trying Department, I recently opened an Etsy store. I'm gonna start selling Posters on that thing. They're $10, which is a bit high for a Poster, so they also come with a copy of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Adventure Comix" to kind of soften the blow. Anyway, here's the address:
And Here's the Poster. It's Ridiculous:
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