Monday, December 29, 2014

News, News, and News

In case any of you don't know already (and most of you do by now) I got engaged over the Holiday weekend to my girlfriend of almost two years now, Meilani Sitin-Butts.  Needless to say, I am a happy dude, and I'm a looking forward to the wedding, which will be sometime in 2016.

Also, as a graduation gift for my gal, I got a personal Facebook.  So, yeah, you should be able to look me up on Facebook now and friend me and all of that nonsense.  It is worth mentioning though, that I only got the Facebook so Mei and other members of my family can tag me in stuff.  I have no plans of doing anything on Facebook at all.  The TORC Press "corporate" Facebook is still up and running as well, so for brief news and announcements, I would suggest continuing to head there.

All of SDF #9 has been added to the Patreon site at

Lastly, I've decided to give myself the rest of the week off in order to fully enjoy the holidays.  So, no new comics or nothing.  I hope to hit the ground running next year.  I've got a ton of ideas for TORC Press next year, but I need to accept that I don't have all the time in the world to implement them.  Sometimes you've gotta chill.

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