Monday, November 17, 2014

Bad Rapture Omega Page 1

Okay, I'll freely admit I spent most of last week recovering from 24 Hour Comic Day.  I'm feeling better now, so we're back in business, running on all cylinders and whatnot.  If you're a Patron of my Patreon site at we've got two new exclusive pages up this morning.  In "Clown & Penguin" #0, the Clown's battle with the Deathbringer goes south quickly, while in "Hot Fudge Pulp" we learn what happened to Mr. Halloween after he died.  Again, you can only view these comics online by pledging a measly dollar, so support the cause and all that jazz.

Speaking of supporting the cause, if you donate $5 a month to TORC Press, you get a cool 8 page Black n White comic as well.  This month's comic is the second issue of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Adventure Comix" which has the bestest name of any comic in the history of ever.  Here's the cover:

And Here's the First Page:

The story is about the newly revived Mister Halloween teaming up with a new character, Shiv, as they do battle with an army of Box-Headed Monsters in the Asteroid Field.  It's not available in the online store, and you can only get a copy either by tracking me down at a Con or by subscribing on the Patreon, because I'm trying to make this Patreon thingie work and still give people some great Bang for their buck.

Anyway, without further ado, let us begin the Concluding Chapter of Bad Rapture:

Bad Rapture Omega Page 1.

I thought with Bad Rapture Omega it might be interesting to use a combination of techniques to present the material.  So, the Clown is inked in my faux-Kirby/HFSAC style, Death Moth is inked in my Sloppy Ink style, Octopus Jones and the Med Tent are inked in my Sharpie style, and the rest of the page isn't inked, but is instead taken directly from my Pencils.  I'm not sure if will work or not, but I think it looks neat.

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