Monday, September 1, 2014

Patreon Pledge Drive Week Day 1

It's Patreon Pledge Drive Week!  It's time to show some love for TORC Press by pledging to us on Patreon at  But what is Patreon and why should you contribute?  Welp, read on:

What is Patreon?  Nowadays, crowdfunding is a big thing.  Generally, on sites like Kickstarter or... other sites that are essentially Kickstarter, the public will donate to a specific project that requires a lot of money to produce.  For example, if you need a fat stack of cash to finish a movie, you can put it up on Kickstarter, and if enough people pledge enough money, you get the cash you need to finish a money.  Ta-da!  I've thought about doing a Kickstarter, but I don't have a BIG project I need a BIG sum of money for.  I do lots and lots and lots of LITTLE Projects.  Then I discovered Patreon.  Patreon is a site for Active Creators who create on a regular basis.  By going on Patreon and pledging to TORC Press, you are voicing your approval of what I do and giving me some cash to boot.  Most Patreon sites charge people per product or page, but since I produce a LOT of comics, and I'm not interested in accidentally sending someone to the poorhouse (seriously, I've already put up over 40 Entries in less than a month) my Patreon Site takes money MONTHLY.  So, if you pledge $1 a month, you will only be spending $1 a month even if I post 100 new creations in a single month.

Why am I on Patreon?  Because even though I create comics purely out of my love of creating comics, it wouldn't hurt my feelings any to make a little money off of it.  I've been going at this for quite awhile now, and everything I've tried (exhibiting at conventions, sending comics to comic shops, online store, twitter, facebook, ect) has ended in failure, and usually ended up costing me more money than I actually made.  I'm fine with losing money on stuff like art supplies and printer ink, but I'm getting tired of spending a ton of money going to conventions and not even making the cost of the table (The Disasters at C2E2 and Wizard World: Chicago will haunt me till the day I die...).  With Patreon, at the very least, I'm not out any money, and I can hopefully make a little bit to help pay for things like art supplies and toner ink or whatever.

Why should you support TORC Press on Patreon?  Because you'll give me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.  Because you'll be showing your support for the hardest working small press comic creator/sawmill hand/taco enthusiast in the business.  Because if you've been enjoying the free comics I've been putting up on my blog for the last few years, then this is a great way to show your appreciation without spending too much money.  Oh, and Because there's some Cool REWARDS.

What you get for supporting TORC Press on Patreon:

$1 a month Pledge:  For a measly $1 a month/$12 dollars a year (which is, what, 3 gallons of gas?) you get unlimited access to all of the comics I'll be putting online on my Patreon site.  Not only will I be posting all of the comics I put up here on the blog/ main site, but I am already loading the TORC Press Patreon with exclusive comics.  They include:

SDF: Cyclopean-  A "Lost" comic I created years ago, but never published, this is Old School TORC Press, featuring the more street level Cactus Joe the Clown, a Pengy Penguin without powers, and Voodoo Dolly back when she was their roommate and they all lived in a house and not in space.  It's a cool, dark comic, and the only way to read it online before I put it in Print is to subscribe to my Patreon site.

Clown & Penguin #0-  Another "Lost" comic that details the first meeting between the Clown & Penguin and their eventual master, Omnichronus, Judge of Worlds.  Essentially the origin story for all of the cosmic comics I've been doing for the last few years.

Hot Fudge Pulp #1-  A BRAND NEW COMIC set in the MODERN TORCVERSE!  Hot Fudge Pulp features the return of a Classic TORC Press character with an ALL NEW ORIGIN STORY!  Presented in Full Color and Updated at least once a week, strap yourself in for... The Origin of Mr. Halloween!

I recently added some new rewards too.  Check em out...

$5 a month Pledge:  Okay, this is a little more expensive at $5 a month/ $60 dollars a year (enough money to gas up an SUV... twice), but you not only get the same all access pass as the $1 Pledge, you also get a piece of original, exclusive, not available anywhere else TORC Press Artwork E-Mailed to you once a month.  Original artwork sent directly to your computer, once a month, for only $5.  Use it as a screen saver, or show your friends the psychedelic cosmic goodness or whatever.

$10 a month Pledge:  I'm not gonna lie, pledging $10 is a stretch, and I don't really expect anyone to do it, but if you do, I will totally make it worth your while.  For years now I've been contemplating the idea of having a TORC Press Subscription service, well, if you Pledge $10 a month to TORC Press, you essentially have a Subscription to TORC Press.  Once a month I will send you a comic from my catalog of over 100 Titles!  You can request a specific comic, or newer comics, or older comics or whatever.  Customize your subscription however you see fit!  In addition, I'll probably send you additional, original artwork along with your order.  Think about it, once a month you get a crazy, new TORC Press comic in your mailbox!  How cool is that!

My Goal for this Pledge Drive:  The first TORC Press Pledge Drive is going to run all week long, and my goal is to double the number of people I have Pledging to TORC Press.  Since I currently have one person pledging $1 (and a BIG TIME THANKS for that!), my goal for the week is to increase my Pledges to 2 people and $2.  Help make our first Patreon Pledge Drive a success!  Head over to and Pledge $1!  I thank you in advance.

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