Monday, August 11, 2014

Production Updates

Alrighty, let's see what's going on in the TORCverse right now.

To reiterate (and since I buried it with my last post), SDF #8/ Bad Rapture Prologue is available for sale in the online store at  Go buy a copy, eh?

In the meantime, we are one week away from the start of the next chapter of Bad Rapture, as "Skull Mob" #5 starts on Monday, August 18th.  Obviously, I'll be spending my weeknights after getting home from the Mill working on that bad boy.

I recently completed t-shirt designs for Professional Wrestler "The Working Man" Frank Wyatt.  The dreaded Axebomber promised not to take my head off if I worked him up some kickin' t-shirt designs, and hopefully I obliged the big man.  After all, I like my head.

In further addition, I have been informed that the greatest one man band in the universe, The Dr. Orphyus Project is preparing to rise from the ashes and unleash its Death Jazz powers upon an unsuspecting world once again.  As a loyal conspirator of the Mad Doctor, this means that it will soon be my sworn duty, once again, to create a series of mind blowing Crudimation videos to help warp the minds of the unfortunate victims exposed to the force of musical nature that is the DOP.  So, that's gonna be fun.

Other than that, me and my gal Mei are gonna get our food on this weekend at the Taste of Champaign.  I hope that empanada stand is back.  I'm craving me some empanadas.

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