Monday, June 30, 2014

HFSAC 23-1

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23/Bad Rapture Chapter 2, Page 1

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back.  There was some internal debate as to whether I should resume the webcomic this week or give myself another week to play catch up, but quite frankly, I work better under the gun, so we're back on like Donkey Kong, baby.

If you're just joining us, here's the set up:  The Evil Mega-Corporation from Hell, the Ortex Corporation (represented by the Gold Diamond logo prominently displayed on the guys on the Right) has taken over the entire world except for one large, magical forest in what used to be Illinois.  Ortex has also conquered their primary rivals, namely Heaven, which they did with the help of a disgruntled Heavenly General named the Vertionce (the Green Dude with the Giant Helmet that kinda looks like a---).  The Vertionce was placed in charge of Heaven, and now to completely secure the Throne he acquired with the Blood of his fellow Angels, the Vertionce has to kill the (currently unborn) Dawnchilde, the Prophesied Ruler of Heaven, before it is born.  All of the Geek Heroes currently left alive on the planet (The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club, The Skull Mob, The Community Watch Group, 3 Good Angels, and a handful of others) are attempting to protect the mother of the Dawnchilde, a human woman named Cheryl, from getting slaughtered by The Vertionce and his henchmen.  And so we have a War smack dab in the middle of the Last Forest on Earth, with the stakes being the Future of Heaven itself.

But mostly this is just an excuse for some good ole fashioned bashing and crashing.


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