Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 4

Today's Webcomic:

Bad Rapture Alpha Page 4.

Bad Rapture as a comic has been gestating in my brain for close to 2 years now.  The concept came to me not long after I started the current version of "SDF".  Despite this, my co-writer Boolah has contributed a lot to the comic.  For starters, the original title was actually "Rage of Angels".  I kicked that title to the curb when I realized that title was originally the title of a Glory/Angela crossover from the 90s.  Whoops, I did an accidental Liefeld swipe.  Boolah came up with the title "Bad Rapture", which I liked almost immediately, so that's what we ended up calling the gig. 

All the stuff on the Moon is Boolah as well.  I never really put much thought into the Moon, but it makes sense that if Ortex already controls all of Earth (except for one tiny, magical forest), that they would want to expand outward (which is what Corporations do, they consume and grow.  That's all that they do!).  And it makes sense that in the pursuit of eventually colonizing (or more accurately, industrializing) the Moon, that Ortex would plant Pop-Up Turret Guns on the Moon's surface to deal with any potential Alien (or Clown) Outsiders.

It's all perfectly logical if you think about it.

Anyway, I like this stuff on the Moon, and we'll end up back on the Moon later, so there's that.

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