Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bad Rapture

Event Comics.  Man, I hate Event Comics.  They're such a mess, right?  You're going along reading a comic you like and then BAM! a dang event comic shows up and breaks the rhythm and gives you a completely pointless issue where all the characters you like have to twiddle their thumbs while they muddle through some pointless event.  And speaking of pointless, have you noticed how every Event Comic does the same stuff?  Here's the pattern:  1) A Major Character Dies.  2) A Major Character is Inexplicably Resurrected.  3) 2 to 6 Spin-Off Comics are Introduced.  All will be canceled in a year or less.  4) The Status Quo of the Universe will change for a couple of months, or until the next Event Comic shows up.  So, yeah, I don't really like Event Comics.

So why for the love of all that is Holy am I doing an Event Comic?

Well, because I like the idea of Event Comics.  An Event Comic reinforces the idea of a shared Universe.  In a big Event, everyone comes together, and you see characters that you might not normally see together interacting with one another.  And in an Event, big things happen.  So, I like that kinda stuff.  Plus, I like the idea of having a One Man Event Comic.  That's probably never been done before.

Except, it's not really a One Man Event Comic.  I got myself a partner.  We'll talk more about the new Voice in the TORCverse tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's my promises:

1) Characters will Die.  Plural.
2) Nobody's getting resurrected.  Wait, now that I think about it, there might be some minor resurrections.  You'll see what I'm talking about.
3) No Spin-Off Books.
4) The Status Quo will change for forever.

Oh!  So, what is Bad Rapture about?  Well, I don't wanna give too much away, but it has to do with Cheryl, the pregnant woman from "SDF".  All else will be revealed over time.

Here's the Issue Count for Bad Rapture:

Bad Rapture Prelude-- SDF #8
Bad Rapture Part 1-- Bad Rapture Alpha
Bad Rapture Part 2-- The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23
Bad Rapture Part 3-- Skull Mob #5
Bad Rapture Part 4-- SDF #9
Bad Rapture Part 5-- Bad Rapture Omega
Bad Rapture Epilogue-- SDF #10

Anyway, Bad Rapture Prelude/SDF #8 starts next week, and will run Monday through Friday.  Be there or be square.

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