Wednesday, April 30, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 8

When me and Boolah were having one of our Script Conferences (I love saying that.  It makes things sound so much more official than saying, "When me and Boolah hang out and yammer about imaginary stuff at each other"), I'm pretty sure all I said about this two page scene was, "I need to have a little moment between Razorfish and Sally Mander."  In return, Boolah wrote this really great, really sweet, really touching scene of romance on the edge of the world.

As an added bonus, this page makes me feel a little like Kirby during his Romance Comics phase (with a little of his Monster Comics phase thrown in for good measure).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 7

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 6

Razorfish and Sally Mander have had a rather odd journey.  They first popped up in "Pulp Horrorshow" v. 3 #1, where they were members of the Blade Rebels, a group of sewer dwelling freedom fighters who fought against the Ortex Corporation.  In the backup story in PH v3 #2, they were sent to escort a group of refugees to the Community (a task neither of them really wanted to do).  They first popped up in the Community in "SDF" #3, where they were forced to stay overnight due to quarantine protocols.  In SDF #5 they discovered that the other Blade Rebels had been slaughtered in an Ortex Raid, essentially making Razorfish and Sally Mander permanent members of the Community, whether they wanted to be or not.

Monday, April 28, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 6

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 6.

So, if you've read HFSAC 22 and Skull Mob 4, then you probably noticed on the last page of both of those comics that there was a similar scene to the one on this page.  The man in the green hooded sweatshirt is the common denominator on all three pages, but the woman accompanying him changes.  On HFSAC 22 his companion was a small child, while on Skull Mob 4 it was an old woman.  Now, over here on SDF 8 he is flanked by an Adult woman in a very sharp suit.

I wonder what it all means...

Friday, April 25, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 5

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 5.

Poor Doc Brummer.  You have no idea how hard it was for him to get a hold of that equipment for his makeshift medical tent, and now it all got fried.  Such is life.

Anyway, that concludes this week's bounty of Bad Rapture Pages.  We pick up with Page 6 on Monday.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 4

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 4.

As far as the first big panel goes, hopefully, you might remember that this happened to Cheryl once before Waaaaay back in SDF #2.  She went all blue and glowy and floaty and stopped a monster.  Now, suddenly, she's doing it again.  Why?  Hmmmm.

If you pan down to Panel 3, you might recognize the man in the Green Armor who goes "Hmn?".  Yep, that's the Vertionce, the Evil Angel who rules over Heaven now that Ortex has gained possession of the Heavenly Plane.  You should hopefully remember him from The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #20-22.  (And if not, then just scroll down a bunch and read up on some older entries)

For all intents and purposes, this page is where Bad Rapture truly begins.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 3

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 3.

If I remember correctly, Boolah and I were in a bar eating tacos when we discussed the particulars of this page.  I was drinking straight cranberry juice of course.  Not sure what Boolah was drinking.  Anyway, I knew eventually I was going to have to discuss the rather delicate issue of the paternity of Cheryl's baby, and more notably, the somewhat lack thereof.  One of the handy things about having a writing partner is that he can bite the bullet on a sequence like this, while all I gotta do is draw the pictures and rewrite the words.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

SDF 8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 2

Today's Webcomic:

SDF #8/Bad Rapture Prologue Page 2.

The guy with the curly orange hair is Doc Brummer, who is the only doctor working in the Community.  You might remember him from SDF 4-5, maybe?  Anyway, after 8 issues we've finally got some time to have Cheryl get looked at by a Doctor and maybe see what's up with this weird pregnancy of hers.

Surely nothing odd will happen...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bad Rapture Prologue/SDF 8-1

Today's Webcomic:

Bad Rapture Prologue/SDF Issue 8 Page 1.

And so, with this simple, quiet, colorful page, my first Event comic begins.  Since it's been awhile, the green skinned guy on the left is Jonar Lloz, aka Octopus Jones without his Magic Costume (his Costumed form is the first head on the left side).  The girl on the right is Cheryl, who is pregnant.  And, yes, I didn't draw the Medical Tent particularly well.

SDF 8 will continue through the week, Monday through Friday.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Mighty Boolah

All of my friends have kinda dug comics, but I've always only had one friend who has had almost the same level of passion for comics that I have.  Allow me to introduce you to Scott Bayler.

I met the man that men would call Boolah in the 3rd Grade.  Me and Scott had pretty much everything in common.  We were smart, nerdy outsiders who loved comics, video games (Scott had the best collection of Atari games EVER), and Pro Wrestling.  We didn't just love comics, we loved making them too.  My art style was inspired by the classic "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way", so my style was all a series of circles loosely bound together (still is, when you get down to it), while Scott (yes, Boolah, it is hard to type your real name) had a rough, more instinctive style of drawing (still does, I swear he would fit right in with the current wave of Underground, Gary Panter-inspired cartoonists).  My writing style wasn't much different than it is now:  All plot, all smash and grab, all madness.  Scott's writing style was smarter and more cleverer.  His stories were full of good characterization, solid plots, and cleverly crafted plot twists that would catch you off guard.  When we were high school I created a "Sin City" rip-off story called "Orange Pulp" that featured me and my friends as a group of bloodthirsty gangsters violently fighting rival gangs (the enemy gangsters were inspired by other kids at our school, and yes it was somewhat fun to eradicate comic book versions of the kids who bullied and ostracized me in school).  Scott created his own take on the subject, crafting a more down to Earth, psychological thriller style story that ended with an ugly gut punch of an ending, quite the opposite of my bare knuckle brawl of a story.

Oh, in high school, Scott got his nickname during a high school basketball game when his coach, in a flustered state, grabbed Scott and bellowed "Get in their Boolah!"  From then on, he was always Boolah to us.

Comics were the only path for me, but my friends took different paths.  Boolah wanted a good, dependable job and a family, so that was the path he pursued.  For him, comics were just a hobby, to be read and enjoyed.  Over time, he got what he wanted out of life.  In the meantime, I actually got Boolah to write a story for me at one point.  In my...second (?) year of making comics, I was doing a series called "Watchdogs" which was a full on superhero team book featuring Cactus Joe the Clown and a team of heroes based on my friends.  I wrote the first issue, and I got my friend Shafe to write the second.  Boolah wrote the third, which actually saw publication a bit later in "Truth or Consequences Monthly" #2 (the plan was to have Bro write the 4th issue, but that never came together, plus Bro wasn't really into it, being a music man and all).  Boolah's issue of TORCM was a wild, epic, ambitious tale that had a definitive Grant Morrison edge with an attitude all its own.  It was a good story, better than anything I had written up to that point.

But, like I said, Boolah had stuff to do.

And then things started to come together for my friend, and I started to like the idea of us working together again.  So, I started dropping some feelers into the water, to see if he might be interested.  We started making plans for a new series, him writing, me drawing.  But things never quite came together, which was my fault.  Still, the idea stuck with me.  So, I thought, what if, instead of doing a 5th or 6th book I don't have time for, what if I just brought Boolah in to be my full time writing partner on the main TORC Press books I'm working on.  Not because I need the help or a partner or anything, but because at the end of the day, I just wanted to make some comics with my old friend.

So I asked if he wanted in, and he said yes. 

So, for the last few months we've been constructing "Bad Rapture".  I've been sitting on the Plot for a couple of years now, and he's been helping me flesh out the Script.  It's been pretty fun.  We wrote some of it over Gyros once.  That was cool.

Anyway, SDF 8/Bad Rapture Prelude starts on Monday.  It's a much quieter, calmer story than TORC Press normally does, which was what I wanted.  I wanted one last issue with the Community Watch Group and company before everything goes to crap.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bad Rapture

Event Comics.  Man, I hate Event Comics.  They're such a mess, right?  You're going along reading a comic you like and then BAM! a dang event comic shows up and breaks the rhythm and gives you a completely pointless issue where all the characters you like have to twiddle their thumbs while they muddle through some pointless event.  And speaking of pointless, have you noticed how every Event Comic does the same stuff?  Here's the pattern:  1) A Major Character Dies.  2) A Major Character is Inexplicably Resurrected.  3) 2 to 6 Spin-Off Comics are Introduced.  All will be canceled in a year or less.  4) The Status Quo of the Universe will change for a couple of months, or until the next Event Comic shows up.  So, yeah, I don't really like Event Comics.

So why for the love of all that is Holy am I doing an Event Comic?

Well, because I like the idea of Event Comics.  An Event Comic reinforces the idea of a shared Universe.  In a big Event, everyone comes together, and you see characters that you might not normally see together interacting with one another.  And in an Event, big things happen.  So, I like that kinda stuff.  Plus, I like the idea of having a One Man Event Comic.  That's probably never been done before.

Except, it's not really a One Man Event Comic.  I got myself a partner.  We'll talk more about the new Voice in the TORCverse tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's my promises:

1) Characters will Die.  Plural.
2) Nobody's getting resurrected.  Wait, now that I think about it, there might be some minor resurrections.  You'll see what I'm talking about.
3) No Spin-Off Books.
4) The Status Quo will change for forever.

Oh!  So, what is Bad Rapture about?  Well, I don't wanna give too much away, but it has to do with Cheryl, the pregnant woman from "SDF".  All else will be revealed over time.

Here's the Issue Count for Bad Rapture:

Bad Rapture Prelude-- SDF #8
Bad Rapture Part 1-- Bad Rapture Alpha
Bad Rapture Part 2-- The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #23
Bad Rapture Part 3-- Skull Mob #5
Bad Rapture Part 4-- SDF #9
Bad Rapture Part 5-- Bad Rapture Omega
Bad Rapture Epilogue-- SDF #10

Anyway, Bad Rapture Prelude/SDF #8 starts next week, and will run Monday through Friday.  Be there or be square.

Friday, April 18, 2014

HFSAC 22 and Skull Mob 4 now Available!

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #22 and Skull Mob #4 are now available in the Online Store at:  Both comics are 16 pages of Color Mayhem for $3.50 plus $1.50 S&H.  HFSAC 22 concludes the 3 part "Artifact Fiasco" storyarc, while Skull Mob is all about 2 brothers who don't get along so great. 

Here's the cover for HFSAC 22:

And here's the cover for Skull Mob #4:

As always, it's worth noting that even though I give away the content of all of my comics free online, buying the comics in the online store is a great way to "tip" me for a job well done.  I'm kinda like every service worker in Las Vegas that way.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

HFSAC 22-16

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club.  Issue 22.  Page 16.

The Wraps up Issue 22 of HFSAC.  The Fudgeheads are gonna take a very brief break.  In the meantime, SDF #8 starts next week and will run Monday through Friday.  SDF 8 also marks the beginning of...



Monday, April 14, 2014

HFSAC 22-15

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #22 Page 15.

Alrighty, first off, a BIIIIIIIG thank you to everyone that came out and supported TORC Press at SPACE in Columbus, OH this weekend.  I feel re-energized and alive again, ready to take on the world and create fat stacks of comix!  Beeg Thanx!!!!!!!

Speaking of which, HFSAC 22 is just about to wrap up, which means it is almost time for...


It's an Event.  Be there or Be square.

Friday, April 11, 2014

HFSAC 22-14

A wee bit late, but here's today's webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club.  Issue 22.  Page 14.

I've let myself get soft.  I let this doom-filled winter crush my spirit and slow me down.  But now we've got some sun and some warmth, and I'm starting to feel a little bit like the slam-dancing, ink-slinging, madman I am inside.  So, it's time to get back to work.  This week's second page was late, but I finished up the last two pages of HFSAC 22 already, so next week I'll be back on track doing my thing.  In the meantime, I've got my favorite show of the year, SPACE in Columbus, OH this weekend.  I'll be hitting the road in an hour, picking up my girl, and rolling into Columbus getting ready to display my wares and hoping to pick up a new reader or two.

HFSAC 22 wraps up next week.  Then it's time for...


Be there or be square.

Monday, April 7, 2014

HFSAC 22-13

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club.  Issue 22.  Page 13.

BOOM! indeed.

We've got SPACE in Columbus, OH this weekend, which I am greatly looking forward to.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cons and Questions

I will be at PopCon this weekend in Evansville, IN, promoting books and doing my thing.  I've got a very, very light Convention Schedule this year.  In fact, so far, I've only got this show, SPACE, and a show in... Cinncinnati?  I think.  SPACE is next weekend, and is my favorite show of the year.  So after these two shows I'm virtually done for the year already.  After the rough year I had on the Convention Circuit last year, I'm actually pretty happy to have a relaxed and light schedule this year.

I've had a couple of ideas lately.  If you're a TORC Press fan, and you have any opinions or responses at all to the following ideas, please contact me either in the Comments section of this Blog, or through Facebook/Twitter, or just e-mail me with your thoughts at:  Anyway, here we go:

1.  Subscriptions:  Lately I've noticed that a lot of Small Press Companies are offering Subscriptions to their comics.  I've been toying with the idea myself for quite awhile, but I don't know if anyone would be interested enough to make it worthwhile.  Also, the erratic nature of being a self-publisher made it kind of... risky.  But here lately I've really got my rhythm down, and I think I could possibly offer Subscriptions.  I couldn't offer any significant discounts on the books, but I would probably throw in cool freebies.  A Subscription from a Reader's perspective would ensure you got the latest issue of HFSAC hot off the press, no fuss, no muss, along with probably some free art or whatever. 
Anyway, if anyone out there is interested in a Subscription Service, let me know.

2.  Trade Paperbacks:  I, personally, don't really like Trade Paperbacks as much as I like Traditional Comics.  BUT, I know that nowadays people LOVE their Trades, so maybe I should occasionally collect my comics in TPB form.  I tried it with the first 6 issues of HFSAC, but sales were so flat that I abandoned the idea.  If there are folks out there that would prefer to read TORC Press comics in Trade form, let me know, and I'll see what I can do about it.

So, there you go.  If anyone out there has anything they wanna see from TORC Press, whether it's different comic formats or new merchandise or whatever, drop me a line at:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

HFSAC 22-12

Today's Webcomic:

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club.  Issue 22.  Page 12.

I feel bad that @byss has gotten stuck with the rather unenviable task of going one-on-one with the deadly Null Vizor.  @byss is a tough dude though.  He can take it.  Also, I like the boxer style stance that @byss assumes in Panel 3.  I think it says "I'm still in this" with body language alone.  Which is good since @byss can't talk.